Bush Campaign: No Plans to Use Reagan in Ads
By Adam Entous
http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/nm/20040612/pl_nm/campaign_bush_dc_3CRAWFORD, Texas (Reuters) - President Bush (news - web sites)'s re-election campaign said on Saturday it has no plans to use Ronald Reagan (news - web sites) in campaign ads, but Republicans said his legacy would be invoked in other limited ways.
Administration officials said they doubted the Republican icon's death would have much impact in the presidential race and did not want to be seen as trying to capitalize on it for political gain one day after his funeral.
"You have to strike a delicate balance," an administration official said.
"It needs to be and will be subtle," Republican political consultant Scott Reed said of using Reagan's legacy in campaign speeches and events to rally Bush's conservative base.