Posted on Sat, Jun. 12, 2004
Associated Press
BONITA SPRINGS, Fla. - Sen. John Edwards raised $150,000 for John Kerry Saturday in heavily Republican southwest Florida, telling Democrats President Bush is out of touch with America and criticizing him for bragging about an improving economy while most Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck.
"What planet do these people live on?" Edwards said of a White House report on the economy. "They have no idea what's going on out here in the real world, no idea whatsoever."
Edwards, a first term senator for North Carolina, was Kerry's closest rival as the Massachusetts senator sought to become the Democratic nominee to challenge Bush. Many also see Edwards as a potential running mate for Kerry.
The $500-a-ticket breakfast at a luxurious Hyatt golf resort was considered a huge success in this conservative area near Fort Myers and Naples. Edwards then crossed Florida to speak at a rally and at the Florida Democratic Party's annual Jefferson-Jackson dinner in Hollywood. He planned to speak Sunday at a Miami area church.
In introducing Edwards, U.S. Rep. Jim Davis, D-Fla., said he hopes the senator is the next vice president. Davis later said it was not an endorsement, adding he would like to see Edwards or Sen. Bob Graham on the ticket with Kerry.
"He has an incurable optimism that has buoyed Floridians and would buoy the country," Davis said of Edwards.*****
I wish some of this was being shown on C-SPAN. Darned shame, after the Reaganpalooza, we can't see a little Dem action. Maybe it will make some of the night and morning news shows.