Riding polls, Kerry renews race after Reagan rites
Sat Jun 12, 5:45 PM ET
http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=1506&ncid=696&e=9&u=/afp/20040612/ts_alt_afp/us_vote_kerryWASHINGTON (AFP) - John Kerry (news - web sites), lifted by recent polls, renewed his presidential race after a weeklong hiatus during Ronald Reagan (news - web sites)'s funerary events.
The Massachusetts lawmaker plans to touchdown in the northeast state of New Jersey on Monday to take advantage of President George W. Bush (news - web sites)'s recent dip in the polls.
The Senate Democrat held a seven-point lead over Bush in a Los Angeles Times poll published Thursday. Kerry led Bush 51 to 44 percent in the event of a two-man contest at the November 2 election.
With independent candidate Ralph Nader (news - web sites) added to the mix, Kerry led Bush 48 to 42 percent. Nader garnered four percent, according to the poll.