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Press Release: John Kerry: Supporting Stem Cell Research to Find Cures

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AmyStrange Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-13-04 12:51 AM
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Press Release: John Kerry: Supporting Stem Cell Research to Find Cures

(to the mods: This is a press release)

John Kerry: Supporting Stem Cell Research to Find Cures for Millions of Americans Suffering from Debilitating Diseases

Sat Jun 12,11:11 AM ET
To: National Desk, Politics Reporter

Contact: Allison Dobson of John Kerry (news - web sites) for President, 202-464-2800, Web:

WASHINGTON, June 12 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The following fact sheet on supporting stem cell research was released today by the Kerry campaign:

Today, millions of children and adults suffer from incurable diseases like diabetes, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, heart disease, cancer, and spinal cord injuries. John Kerry believes that we must lift the barriers that stand in the way of science and push the boundaries of medical exploration so researchers can find cures that may exist. Continuing in our nation's great ethic of discovery, Kerry believes that stem cell research holds immense promise for curing or treating these diseases and medical conditions. As president, John Kerry will lift the ideologically- driven restrictions on stem cell research that is impeding progress toward cures for millions of Americans suffering from debilitating diseases.

Stem cell research has broad bipartisan support. Last week, 58 Senators, including John Kerry, sent George Bush a letter urging him to lift the ideologically-driven restrictions on stem cell research. Fourteen Republicans joined Democrats in sending Bush a loud and clear message, including Orrin Hatch, Kay Bailey Hutchinson, and John McCain. Kerry has joined Members from both sides of the aisle to work toward overturning the ban on federal funding of research on new stem cell lines while providing strict ethical oversight as doctors and scientists explore their full potential.

Fewer cell lines available than originally promised. The August 2001 stem cell policy allegedly made available more than 60 suitable stem cell lines to federally funded researchers. However, this claim has proven to be false. Many of the cells have turned out not to be genuine stem cell lines or turned out to have no scientific value. As of today, there are only 19 lines available - less than a third of the number originally promised.

Human cells contaminated with mouse cells. All of the cells available under the Bush policy were originally grown on what is known as a "feeder layer" of mouse cells, making their therapeutic value uncertain. The Bush policy prevents federally funded scientists from conducting research on stem cells grown without this contamination. Only by expanding the policy will federally funded scientists be able to conduct research on uncontaminated stem cells that have the greatest value to patients.

Other cells not available for research. Every day, scientists work to develop better techniques for growing and using human stem cells, yet the cell lines made available were all originally developed using techniques that are nearly three years old - a very long time in a fast-moving field like stem cell research. For example, scientists have now discovered ways to grow cells without a feeder layer of mouse cells. Restricting doctors to cells developed with outmoded techniques is like forcing NASA (news - web sites) engineers today to work with technology from the old Apollo moon shots.

US losing leadership in stem cell research. Without federal funding, the nation's top researchers at universities, medical schools, and teaching hospitals cannot be part of the work to find new cures and treatments. Other industrialized nations have allowed extensive research on stem cells with strict ethical oversight. Britain in particular has been aggressive in establishing stem cell research programs. Due to the limited opportunities for federally funded stem cell research in this country, many scientists - particularly young scientists - who seek to engage in this research feel constrained to do so overseas.

John Kerry supports lifting the ban on stem cell research. Given the enormous promise of stem cells to the development of new treatments for the most devastating diseases, John Kerry believes our medical researchers should be permitted and encouraged to simultaneously pursue embryonic stem cell research. As president, he will overturn the ban on federal funding of research on new stem cell lines, and he will allow doctors and scientists to explore their full potential with the appropriate ethical oversight. Patients and their families should no longer be denied the hope that this new research brings.

Paid for by John Kerry for President, Inc.

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Kipepeo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-13-04 01:19 AM
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1. This is awesome.
And a great way to distance Dubya from some of the Reagan-lovers.
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