By Brian E. Crowley, Palm Beach Post Political Editor
Sunday, June 13, 2004
HOLLYWOOD -- An increasingly hostile U.S. Senate race worries some Democratic Party leaders, who said Saturday they fear that a divisive primary could hurt the party's chances of winning the election in November.
Hundreds of state party activists and leaders gathered at the Westin Diplomat for a weekend of meetings, rallies and their annual Jefferson-Jackson dinner, which featured North Carolina Sen. John Edwards, a leading contender to become Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry's running mate.
"I think Edwards would make a terrific vice president," said U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson of Florida, who dismissed the notion that Nelson himself has a realistic chance of being picked by Kerry. "I think I'm a long shot."
Former Vice President Al Gore increased the tension in the campaign last week when he accused Miami-Dade Mayor Alex Penelas of being "the single most treacherous and dishonest person I dealt with during the campaign anywhere in America." Gore has said that Penelas abandoned him during the 2000 election.
Democrats here appeared increasingly interested in seeing Edwards on the ticket.
"He is exciting, and we need someone with a strong personality," said Bill Wallace, a Miami retiree who listened to Edwards speak at a rally at Hollywood's municipal beach. "I think Kerry and Edwards would make a strong team, and Edwards could help win votes in the South."
An Associated Press poll released Saturday showed that more than one-third of the nation's registered voters -- 36 percent -- said they would most like to see Kerry choose Edwards. Among Democrats surveyed, Edwards fared even better: 43 percent preferred him over other Democrats. Edwards declined to comment on the poll.
Lots of good stuff in this article: Edwards for VEEP, the Senate race dramas, the Arab-American vote in Fla...