Kucinich Takes Roads Less Traveled in Bid
Campaign Stops in Neglected Areas Help Democrat Net 70 Convention Delegates
By Evelyn Nieves
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, June 7, 2004; Page A04
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A20705-2004Jun6.htmlMOORESTOWN, N.J. -- As the candidate for president of the United States stepped onto the stage, flashing a smile and a wave, the audience exploded with cheers and applause and screams worthy of Beatles fans.
This went on for several minutes. Even the candidate was a little taken back. It was as though he had already won the election.
Which, of course, he had. Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich (D-Ohio) came to the Moorestown Friends School on Friday afternoon to thank the students for making him the landslide winner in their mock presidential primary. (Al Sharpton had come in second.) It was a magnanimous gesture amid a busy schedule. Kucinich, the only Democrat besides Sen. John F. Kerry (Mass.) left in the race, is still campaigning as though he were a viable candidate, sort of.
He crisscrossed the country, as he has done for months, campaigning in Montana, then here in New Jersey, then back in Montana before these two states hold the nation's final primaries Tuesday. Kucinich has seemed determined to visit places most candidates would ignore as not rich enough in potential voters.