Edited on Fri Jun-25-04 10:51 PM by seventhson
I have no idea whether Michael Moore is a follower of Jesus or not.
But I do know one thing: Michael Moore's film is as much a modern day equivalent of THE Sermon on the Mount as the real Jesus is said to have given 2000 years ago and as real a miracle as the thing that Jesus reportedly did with the loaves and the fishes when he fed the masses and multitudes who were following him for wisdom and starving for the Truth (as well as for nourishment).
Michael Moore has delivered to us the perfect parable of good and evil, the perfect allegory for the blessedness of the peacemakers and the righteousness of the suffering of the innocents and the children and widows as well as the perfect symbols for the Dragon and the worshippers of filthy Lucre. The only thing is, that in Farenheit 9-11 the world's misery, as in the suffering of the Jews and gentiles under the Roman Caesars when Jesus preached, the parable is not fiction - it is reality.
The masses came to hear Jesus preach his Sermon on the Mount and were fed with the loaves and fishes during the days of great crisis in the Middle East as a foreign force had occupied and was oppressing the indigenous people (the Jews as well as the gentiles and Philistines) with a brutal and barbaric hell. Jesus' teachings (whether or not you believe he was the messiah or son of God) were about the RIGHTEOUSNESS of opposing evil and warmongering. The blessedness of waging peace instead of war. The beauty of love and goodness.
In the miracle of the loaves and fishes Jesus and his disciples are said to have taken five fish and seven loaves of bread and fed as many as 5000 people who had come to hear him preach the Hillelian peace message of the Torah and the Prophets and heal the sick. When all were fed and satisfied, there were bushels of pieces of bread and fish remaining.
His teachings were a universal lesson of love and redemption and the perils of following those who would harm the little children and pray on the innocent and profit from their greed and wickedness whilst holding themselves in the highest places and feasting with their surfeit of riches - self-righteous, vain and worshipful only of mammon and filthy lucre.
Like the warrior-like archangel for whom he is named, Michael Moore has delivered us with a miraculous thunderbolt of light in the abysmal darkness of the satanic-like realm of Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz and Rice. A beam of sheer brilliance enlightening the conditions of a Gehenna-like chasm of greed-induced torture and degradation and suffering.
As in the miracle of the loaves and fishes, the filmmaker has masterfully woven us baskets of truth which, after we all have fed on this knowledge, will leave bushels and bushels of knowledge left over for those who need to HEAR and KNOW these truths.
Some hearing Jesus speak for the first time, knowing only his reputation for blessedness and wisdom, surely must have wept and cried both tears of joy as well as tears of sadness and even fear: for the teaching was that the evil of man will cause much suffering - though only the Truth can comfort us and teach us that by staying the righteous course of peace and goodness and love can the serpent finally be overcome. The same must be said of Michael's film. We wept and we sobbed and we embraced and we comforted one another and even cried tears of joy at FINALLY hearing the truth (and in a humanly funny way).
The crumbs and pieces of truth overflow the brims of this multitude of baskets woven by Moore in this film and they will continue to nurture and comfort us as we face the great serpents in Washington.
I know that Michael Moore is not the Messiah. But he sure as hell has proven that he is the messenger of Truth and Love and Peace and , as such, is a righteous and blessed peacemaker who has forever changed the history of the world with his cautionary and brilliant tale tempered in the blazing fires of film ceation. Perhaps a Prophet in the tradition of Jeremiah and the others who warned us of the decadence of our kings and high priests of corruption and doom.Perhaps Micah or Malachi.
Just how do we BEAT these swords into plowshares and LOVE the strangers and homeless - the OTHERS?
In many ways today is a miraculous event. The teacher, the master, has fed us and taught us with knowledge which will surely change the world and the universe forever. America will NEVER be the same place after today because...
a prophet has spoken and the multitudes have listened.
In much the same way as Jesus did with his small sermon and his humble sharing of a communal dinner 2000 years ago. The world is a new place. A better place. A more holy place.
A place that looks just a LITTLE more like the paradise we know it was meant to be by our Creator.
Thanks Saint Michael! Thank you for being one fearless righteous voice in the wilderness!
Now, with your sword of Truth, we will slay the dragon (in November, that is, at the ballot box)!
Seventhson June 25, 2004
(Permission is granted by the author to use this freely)