Maybe Rummy can get named abassador to France or Germany or
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Wed Dec-17-08 07:28 PM
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Maybe Rummy can get named abassador to France or Germany or |
some other bastion of olde europe. Since we're on this radical change train anat. wouldn't wanna get too chummy with those extra vowel people.
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Wed Dec-17-08 07:48 PM
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1. He'd Likely Be Arrested On War Crimes Charges |
The whole posse is liable to arrest if the set foot in most industrialized nations, particularly Europe.
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Wed Dec-17-08 07:57 PM
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2. Was Warren appointed to a position? |
Warren leading a prayer (which many would be against no matter who led it) is not the same as giving some Bush Syndicate representative an appointment.
This guy is no different than 99% of all preachers in this country with the exception he has a few areas where he's not completely at odds with sanity.
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Wed Dec-17-08 08:37 PM
Response to Reply #2 |
4. Salazar and Tom 'Lean,Mean Monsanto Machine' Vilsack were |
were plenty disgusting enough to darken hopes for any substantive change today. The news of Warren being picked for the invocation only confirmed that Democrat's principles and spines don't seem to make it past some force field surrounding DC.
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Wed Dec-17-08 08:24 PM
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3. Why don't we just let Bush stay in office... |
then everyone would be content...the devil you know and all. Why even bother attempting? Why engage anyone other than like-minded labels?
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Thu Feb 06th 2025, 08:26 AM
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