Send out some e-mails. Send out some letters via snail mail. Make some calls. We need to get the message out there that the GLBT community and its allies do not want a homophobic bigot to have any part in the Obama inauguration.
First, the committee that put together this program includes: Senator Dianne Feinstein, Senator Bob Bennett, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, House Republican Leader John Boehner, President-Elect Barack Obama, and Vice President-Elect Joseph Biden. A flood of e-mails will drill the point across.
Second, the MSM. As useless as it normally is, certain people will listen. Emphasize the stances that Rick Warren has that make him problematic, to say the least. I think we know which ones we have a chance of getting the attention and the ones it is not worth our time.
Finally, the general public. Tell people about Rick Warren that will listen. I didn't know half of what he has done, being that I don't pay attention to fundamentalist "Christians." Now that I know, I want him as far away from the anything resembling a sermon as possible. And, most people don't know, but would be outraged if they knew.
I figure many of us have already taken some of these steps, but I want to make it clear to everyone that this can cause change. Remember that it is the masses that helped get Obama into the White House; those same masses will help Obama to see what we see.