Lowery to deliver benediction at inauguralChandler Brown, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Dec. 17th, 2008
An Atlanta civil rights icon will play a very visible role in the historic and star-studded inauguration of Barack Obama, the nation’s first black president.
A congressional committee announced late Wednesday that the Rev. Joseph E. Lowery, a stalwart of the civil rights movement and co-founder of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, will deliver the benediction.
Lowery, retired pastor of Atlanta’s Cascade United Methodist Church, said Obama called him a few weeks ago and said he wanted him to take part in the Jan. 20 ceremony but hadn’t decided exactly what role he would play. Obama said he’d get back to Lowery.
“I guess this is his way of getting back to me,” Lowery said Wednesday afternoon as he fielded dozens of reporters’ calls at his southwest Atlanta home. “I’m grateful to the president-elect for picking a small-town preacher like me to be on the program of such a historic inauguration. I’m humbled.”
More at above link.
We have every reason to be pissed off and furious about Warren. The "man" is a vile postule on society, and I wouldn't spit on him if he were on fire. However, we shouldn't overlook who else is going to be there. It doesn't
make up for Warren by a long shot, but it is a strong counter-balance.
Rev. Joseph Lowery is a civil rights icon, co-founder of the Southern Christian Leadership Council and a strong supporter of same-sex marriage.
Lowery in 2007, courtesy of Interstate QI'm looking for more links with info on him, but at the moment, all I'm getting is stuff about Warren...