By GLEN JOHNSON, Associated Press Writer
BOSTON – The United States can gain security by adding more troops in Afghanistan, but only if they work to gain the trust of locals, Sen. John Kerry told The Associated Press
The Massachusetts Democrat and incoming chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee told the AP on Wednesday from Afghanistan that he plans to tell President-elect Barack Obama and National Security Adviser-to-be James Jones that simply surging the force won't solve problems in the nation.
Obama campaigned on a pledge to shift U.S. military resources from Iraq to Afghanistan, although military leaders have cautioned that differences in terrain, enemy and local customs reduce the chances for a direct replication of the gains achieved against Iraqi insurgents.
"If you add troops and have the strategy we've had, that won't get the job done," Kerry said after having breakfast early Thursday with U.S. forces. "But if you use the troops to give you the ability to do the real work more at the local level, the provincial level, making a difference in people's lives, then you have a chance to win over hearts and minds as well."
The senator said it's equally important for the United States to help stand up the Afghani police force as it is the nation's military force.
"They're going to have to recruit like crazy and train like crazy, but that's doable," Kerry said.