Bush receives "International Medal Of Peace" from Rick Warren, December 2008
For a president with little to do but pardon turkeys in honor of Thanksgiving, little to look forward to but packing his bags and evacuating the White House, and less positive accomplishments to look back on than most presidents, this year’s World AIDS Day will clearly be a high point.
On World AIDS Day, Monday, December 1, Rick Warren, pastor of the Lake Forest, California-based Saddleback Valley Community Church and who is well on his way to becoming one of the most recognizable and powerful pastors in America, will be hosting his Saddleback Civil Forum on Global Health at the Washington, D.C.-based Newseum. As part of the event, Warren will be giving President Bush the first “International Medal of PEACE” from the Global PEACE Coalition, in recognition of Bush’s “unprecedented contribution to the fight against HIV/AIDS and other diseases,” a Saddleback Church press release announced.
According to the press release, Warren will discuss with both Bush, and the First Lady, their “past accomplishments and priorities moving forward regarding international health issues — including HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.”: “No U.S. president or political leader has done more for global health than this Administration, which has raised the bar on America’s role and responsibility for providing critical humanitarian assistance around the world,” Warren said. “Over the past eight years, the President and Mrs. Bush have traveled the globe as they and their staffs have worked tirelessly to bring awareness and solutions to pandemics such as HIV/AIDS, and we are privileged to honor their efforts on World AIDS Day.”