Specter shows questionable taste
Posted December 13, 2008 3 :37 PM
While most people will agree that being “politically correct” has gone too far -- Sen. Arlen Specter R-PA reminds us why political correction began in the first place: tasteless ethnic jokes.
At the swanky once-a-year Pennsylvania Society (where all politico’s large & small from the Keystone State trek up to NYC to converge on Park Avenue for luxurious power- broking) Specter thought it appropriate to tell “Polish Jokes”.
One insider said before Specter gave his speech at the Commonwealth Club he asked the audience if anyone there was Polish. Since only ten or so out of a few hundred raised their hands Specter decided it was ok to tell the jokes.
Bad form.
Pittsburgh Tribune ArticleAs a person of Polish descent, I'm outraged. He should now face censure in the Senate.