Heads up, anyone planning to come to DC for the inauguration!
http://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/Metro-to-Charge-Rush-Hour-Fares-on-Inauguration-Day.htmlIn order to help pay for moving more than a million people on Inauguration Day, Metro will charge rush-hour rates most of the day and will require people to pay to park.
Jan. 20 is a federal holiday, and usually that would mean no rush-hour rates at all and free parking, but because more than 1.6 million public transportation trips are expected that day, Metro's board approved General Manager John Catoe's requests in order to help meet costs.
"This will be the greatest demand on this system in its entire history," Catoe said.
Metro will open early -- 4 a.m. -- and close late -- 2 a.m. From 4 a.m. to 9 p.m. the system will provide rush-hour service at rush-hour rates.
To park in Metro's lots, drivers will have to pay a flat rate -- expected to be $4 -- and SmarTrip cards won't be accepted. An attendant will be stationed at each lot.
In order to ease the rush off the Mall after the inauguration, Metro recommends visitors take their time downtown and find a nice restaurant or visit a museum.