Edited on Sun Dec-21-08 02:02 AM by Clio the Leo
The things you learn watching Faux News.
So Kerry Kennedy(Bobby's daughter, Caroline's cousin, Andrew Cuomo's ex wife) is on Geraldo to talk about her new book. Geraldo relates a story that, as a young child, Kerry learned of her father's assasination as it was broadcast (the news report of it) on television while she was watching a cartoon.
No doubt familiar with the events surrounding Oswald's death, her first reaction was to pray ..... not only for her father and her family, but also for her father's assassin, Sirhan Sirhan and HIS family.
I went to my room and I buried my head in my pillow and I prayed to God to take care of him ... I prayed for my father primarily but I prayed that nothing would happen to him (Sirhan.) I didn't want his family to go through what our family was going to have to go through. I thought, he must have a mother and a father and he might have children and I didn't want them to be without their father or without their child.
Regardless of what you think of Christianity, you have to be moved by that. I had a cousin who was murdered and I know how hard it is to merely pray to not feel vengence, must less to pray for compassion.
I have heard stories simmilar to this before when the Kennedys talk about their opposition to the death penalty.
Dynasty or no dynasty .... if we had more people in the world who thought this way, who could express that sense of love no situation, it would be a much better place.