...progressive end of the party would like him to be.
When Bush took over, he really took over. The republicans owned our country, they owned patriotism. We didn't have an American flag, it became the Republican flag. It was...you have to agree with us to be an American. Then there was the "real America"...the conservative America.
Now the progressives want to do the same thing. They want it to be OUR administration...OUR Inauguration...only people who agree with us should be involved.
A friend said to me this morning...well he could have picked a less offensive minister! Yes, he could have, but it would have NOT made one iota of difference to the progressives. The unknown, unoffensive minister would have been pro-life and anti-gay marriage and the progressives would have pounded him and Obama just as much as they are now doing with Warren. They've been pounding from day one! Picking good, experienced people from the Clinton administration wasn't good enough for them....and on and wanting everything exactly their way not caring what anyone else, other democrats, centrists, republicans wanted....only people who think like us. Like Bush, unwilling to consider other views and the same vise-like stubborness!
They whine about Warren excluding people because they have different beliefs, yet they want to exclude him for having different beliefs!!!
Obama has huge problems ahead of him and he needs as many people as possible ON HIS SIDE. And the poll numbers show that he is doing that. I personally know many republicans who have softened toward Obama because of the Warren pick. That will be a big help in the future for him.
Progressives seem to think that Obama OWES THEM for their support. Yeah, that's what we need, not a president who's goal is to improve the lives of ALL Americans, but one who is focussed on those who helped get him elected. Yes, he needs to start, right now, thinking about re-election...that's how business is done in Washington, according to progressives.
Anyway...sorry for the rant....and thank you for the poll numbers. Obama stated that he is president to ALL Americans, and the poll numbers prove he's doing great at achieving that.