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People wanting civil rights and r angry right now are not the people you need to protect Barack from

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AllentownJake Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-08 06:43 PM
Original message
People wanting civil rights and r angry right now are not the people you need to protect Barack from
Edited on Sun Dec-21-08 06:46 PM by Jake3463
The people you need to protect Barack from are:

The corrupt politians in our own party who are up for auction from corporate interest
The lobbyist on K-Street who are going to try to insert clauses into legislation that help their clients not the American People
Any advisor he has who asks what is politcally popular vs. what is right
The DLC and Blue dogs who try to protect the corporations not their constiuents
The government contractors who rip off the government and make him look bad for his spending bills
Advisors that seek military action vs. peaceful solutions
Advisors who wish to use some of the most awful provisions of the Patriot Act
The Senators who insert pork that is wasteful (not all pork is bad) into bills
The economist who believe in Milton Friedman vs. those who believe in Keynse.
Most of the republicans in congress who try to obstruct his agenda

These are the people who can bring down Barack Obama's Presidency. The people campaigning for civil rights that feel a little hurt and betrayed right now can do very little to bring down Barack and I don't believe many of the people who can truly hurt his presidency are posting on DU.

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FrenchieCat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-08 06:55 PM
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1. Barack doesn't need "protection" in that sense......
Edited on Sun Dec-21-08 06:57 PM by FrenchieCat
He's a big boy all grown up, even if he ain't perfect.
He is well aware of who it is that will attempt to take him down,
But I don't think that ever stopped him before.

He'll get support and recognition from those who believe he is right,
and he'll get scorn and criticism when folks believe him to be wrong.

Will he get more kudos than deserved at times for doing what folks perceived as right? probably.
Will he get kicked in the ass harder than might be required when folks perceived he is doing wrong? Most likely.
Will Obama live up to the standards that folks set for him? Most likely not.

To be honest, folks have either very high expectations or none at all after 8 years of being served turds and shit sandwiches by the current White House.

As far as the groups you have named, Keeping these characters out of the way is probably the easy part.

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avaistheone1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-08 06:56 PM
Response to Original message
2. Very well stated.
The people who have ill will and ill wishes for Obama are not the people who are struggling for their civil rights or to improve the basic quality of life in this country through SINGLE PAYER universal health care, and other reforms.

The groups Obama must be protected from are the variety you have clearly named.
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