Edited on Tue Jun-08-04 09:16 PM by Hell Hath No Fury
I just got this email from a friend of mine and it has my blood boiling! :mad: A call or fax to Arnie's office on his behalf -- and other Californians just like him -- would be greatly appreciated!
Dear friends and family,
Most, if not all, of you know that the care I receive each day is paid for by a state funded program called In-home Support Services (IHSS). Those of you who have met Louie, Richard and Tom know how dedicated and sincere the people are who provide my care. 10 to 12 hours a day, seven days of the week, 365 days of the year my caregivers perform the duties that have enabled me to go to school and to engage in all the activities that I have shared with you over these past six years. The independence and stability I enjoy will end if the cuts to the IHSS program are passed as part of the State's 2004 budget.
The governor has proposed cutting the hourly wage of IHSS workers from $9.25 an hour to $6.25 an hour. Take my word for it: you may not think this is a significant cutback (after all it is only three dollars an hour), but I can guarantee to you that this kind of reduction will have drastic consequences on life here at ---- Haskell Street. Louie, Richard and Tom cannot afford to do the work that they perform (and it is tough work, believe me) for less than what they receive now. Replacing them with people who will work for minimal wages means one of two things. I could choose to eliminate meals, bathing, and toileting in order to cutback the number of hours I use; this would allow me to pay more per hour. Or, I could offer to pay the reduced wage and see what kind of people show up to fill the job; my experience over the past six years tells me this is a terrible, stressful option. I need your help.
The IHSS program reductions are currently in conference committee at the State capitol. According to a staff member who works for Senator Don Perata has told me that legislators are under significant pressure by governor to pass this budget by June 15. I need you to e-mail, or preferably, to send a letter to Governor Schwarzenegger telling him you oppose any reductions to the IHSS program. I need you to do this by Wednesday. And I need you to forward this message to at least two people (preferably five) who you can reliably depend on to do the same. It is a lot to ask at such short notice. I can only apologize and offer the explanation that I did not find out what the status of the conference committee negotiations were until today. Please do this for me.
E-mail the governor at: governor@governor.ca.gov
Send the governor a postcard or letter to:
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
State Capitol Bldg. Sacramento, CA 95814
Or call the governor's office: Phone: (916) 445-2841 Fax: (916) 445-4633
With love, and gratitude,
And all because Arnie didn't want to continue the fucking car tax...