(1000+ posts)
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Wed Jun-09-04 10:03 AM
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I was just at Coleman's website so I could tell him to file contempt charges against Ashcroft (like that will do any good) and I found the following article: Minnesota Farm Fields: The Saudi Arabia of Renewable Fuels. WTF?
Lydia Leftcoast
(1000+ posts)
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Thu Jun-10-04 10:31 AM
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1. Ethanol production from grain |
is what he's referring to.
However, this is something the Republicans are against and Mark Dayton is for.
Go figure.
(1000+ posts)
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Fri Jun-11-04 10:48 AM
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what he was talking about. I just found the fact of him referring to us as new Saudis a bit odd and unnerving.
Paranoid? You bet I'm paranoid. Anyone who isn't these days hasn't been paying attention.
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Wed Feb 19th 2025, 01:49 PM
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