This information wasn't on the website, so here it is:
(Email is from Patrick Foster)
Happy weekend all! I wanted to bring everyone up to date with the progress of our grassroots volunteer organization. This past week we have made a number of steps forward and it appears that things are ready to take off. The first bit of news is the launching of a volunteer website that I hope you will all use to its fullest advantage. The website is www.kerrycincinnati.com and it is growing by the second. Everyone should jump on and take a quick look around. I know the site's wonderful webmaster Sara Baum and her web team have a lot of great things planned but for now the message board will be a great place to exchange information and ideas between volunteers. Also, this week we were able to find volunteers dedicated enough to take over our volunteer committees full time. The following is the listing of our Hamilton County for Kerry Volunteer committees and chairpersons. They are your new contacts for all things volunteer activity related. You should be receiving either an email or a call from the committee chair of all of the committees you signed up for. Community Events: Jennie Berliant jberliant@kerrycincinnati.com Events: Brigid Kelly bkelly@kerrycincinnati.com Jessica DiGirolamo digirolamo@kerrycincinnati.com House Meetings: Jody Grundy jgrundy@kerrycincinnati.com Internet Organizing: Sara Baum sbaum@kerrycincinnati.com Issue Education: Janice Weiss jweiss@kerrycincinnati.com Office: Jeremy Faust jfaust@kerrycincinnati.com Phone Banks: Jenny Hicks jhicks@kerrycincinnati.com Letters to the Editor/Rapid Response: Don Bedwell dbedwell@kerrycincinnati.com Ali Blandford ablandford@kerrycincinnati.com Visibility: Bill O'Neil boneil@kerrycincinnati.com Volunteer Database: Dan Ticotsky dticotsky@kerrycincinnati.com Jeff Baum jbaum@kerrycincinnati.com Just a reminder, the info for our next big volunteer meeting is as follows: Monday, June 21st 7PM Letter Carriers Hall 4100 Colerain Ave., Northside I have attached to this email the most up to date volunteer sign up sheet and committee description list. Please feel free to print these out and distribute them to friends and family. Finally, I am currently looking for a good mass e-mailing program to better manage these big emails I send out. If anyone has any good suggestions, please let me know. Enjoy the rest of the weekend, Patrick Patrick Foster Cincinnati Field Organizer John Kerry For President (513) 421-2410 pfoster@johnkerry.com