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F911- Cleveland Theater-goers check in!

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Beware the Beast Man Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-25-04 10:22 PM
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F911- Cleveland Theater-goers check in!
My wife and I saw it at the Loew's at Richmond Town Center. Near capacity crowd. Laughter. Tears. Groans of contempt. Huge applause at the end. No freeps. No protesters. There was a huge line at the ticket check. The ticket taker mused, "is Spiderman 2 playing?". I thought that was good for a laugh.

Fellow C-Towners, where you at, and how was your experience?
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asthmaticeog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 10:26 AM
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1. Valley View
As said in another thread, TWL and I saw it at the Cinemark. (BTW, anyone going to see it at the Cedar Lee, be advised that Cleveland Cinemas has just summarily FIRED all their union projectionists.) Two kinda sad-looking protestors, and the 7:55 show was sold out before 7. MOB SCENE! Channel 19 was there. (I didn't see their report, but I know their news editor and he's a unrepentant guns-a-blazin' leftist, so I'm assuming it was sympathetic, though given that it was channel 19, they could very well have been covering the opening night of "White Girls.") Finding 5 seats together so that all my firends who met up there could sit together was a fucking chore and a half, so densely was the theater packed a half-hour before the previews even started rolling.

The film itself - incredible. If Moore never makes another film, he's WAY more than justified his existence with this one (and obliterated the stain on his record that is "Canadian Bacon"). I've followed all this stuff pretty closely, but he dug up stuff I didn't even have the slightest idea about - and much of the stuff I didn't know dropped my jaw. Bush* has actually some to seem more evil in my estimation - something I hardly thought possible!
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cherylmarie Donating Member (23 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 10:04 PM
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2. Valley View Saturday night
Every seat in the theater was sold tonight for the 7:55 showing, which I attended. As we were leaving, the halls were filled with those lined up for the 10:40 show.
No protestors, nothing unusual except that we had to line up outside & file in. Is that common for a sold out movie if there might be a mad rush for the best seats?
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