If you can help, please do... It breaks my heart to think about these poor babies in the cold!
We certainly have had some very cold nights over the last week or so.
And more on the way.
Keeping up with the enormous amount of laundry for the many many dogs
and cats at TLAC during these cold events is a huge endeavor.
We need your help to keep the animals comfy and warm.
What would help us help the animals most? Blankets, blankets, blankets,
and big fluffy towels too!
Specifically warm comfy blankets the dogs can burrow into for warmth,
but that can still fit into our washer.
Comfy blankets that can be cut down to fit into our washer are great,
too . Most comforters and bedspreads don't survive the cutting down
process due to being filled with other substances (down, cotton, etc).
But having a few of those for the big dogs and moms with litters is
still very much appreciated!
The next blast of cold weather is scheduled to hit by Saturday night or
Sunday-we could sure use some blankies before then in order to get them
sorted and ready.
We accept donations at any time of the day or night - bring them to the
shelter, we have large donation bins in front of the lost and found
office and also in the Davenport building.
Thanks for anything you can do to help the animals during their stay at
the shelter.
TLAC Rescue Office
512-972-6099 voice