I remember reading about a bio of John Lennon that's written like fiction.
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Mon Jun-13-11 09:22 AM
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I remember reading about a bio of John Lennon that's written like fiction. |
I mean, it adheres to the known facts about John, but has re-created conversations, etc.
I was just trying to google it and can't find it. It came out fairly recently.
Anybody know of this book?
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Mon Jun-13-11 09:34 AM
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Mon Jun-13-11 09:45 AM
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2. No, but thanks for the link. I'd like to hear some reader's reviews of that one. |
Edited on Mon Jun-13-11 09:46 AM by raccoon
The book I'm thinking of was like IN COLD BLOOD, the author took what she'd gathered from interviews and known information and re-created conversations and scenes.
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