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Crystal Cathedral declaring bankruptcy, enforcing sex covenant

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onager Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-27-11 12:49 PM
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Crystal Cathedral declaring bankruptcy, enforcing sex covenant
This appears to be one of those faux bankruptcies. The C.C. will continue conducting business in the same location, only the name on the deed will change. For those who just tuned in, the business of the Crystal Cathedral is basically the hackneyed old "positive thinking" stuff, only with more Jesus.

Crystal Cathedral to be sold as a way to exit Chapter 11 bankruptcy

...Since filing for bankruptcy, the church has been mired in controversy. Financial documents related to the case revealed generous pay and tax allowances for cathedral officials. Then, in March, choir members were outraged after being asked to sign a sex covenant some perceived as anti-gay...

(Founder Robert H.) Schuller stepped down in 2006 and handed the reins to his son, Robert Anthony Schuller. But by the fall of 2008, discord prompted the younger Schuller to resign. Sheila Schuller Coleman, the founder's daughter, stepped up to the senior pastor position in 2009 but has not been fully embraced by the congregation.

What? Pastor Sheila has "not been fully embraced by the congregation?" Now what could Pastor Sheila POSSIBLY be missing? I'm betting a penis, but I'm just a Grumpy Gnu Atheist.

...Paul Loredo, who was an orchestra member for 25 years, said that no matter what, the damage has been done to the church's reputation. The church still owes him about $1,500 for performances.

Church leaders, he said, "could make a couple steps forward, but they've made so many steps backward that I don't see that happening." Under current church leadership, which also includes Coleman Schuller's sisters and husband, a new vision is unlikely to succeed, he said.,0,4039186.story?track=rss

And in other Crystal Cathedral news...even the founder, Bob Schuller, is against this piece of stupidity. The church is back-pedaling furiously, claiming that the covenant is against "promiscuity of any form." They don't seem to be fooling very many people:

Crystal Cathedral sex covenant stirs controversy

Choir members at the Crystal Cathedral have been asked to sign a statement that God intends sex only for married heterosexuals.
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Angry Dragon Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-27-11 01:00 PM
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1. People that live in glass houses should not throw stones
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dimbear Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-27-11 09:07 PM
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2. Might be the sexism, but just as likely the fact that charisma or
talent for vending snake oil doesn't run in families necessarily. Look at the strange histories of many such inherited churches, such as the Worldwide Church of God. Or Franklin Graham.

BTW, that inheritance problem is the real reason priests can't marry.

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