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I know this is petty, but it bothers me.

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Mike 03 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-18-08 04:56 PM
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I know this is petty, but it bothers me.
Edited on Thu Dec-18-08 05:01 PM by Mike 03
The past few weeks so many of us--even those of us who are neutral on the issue or not union members, or are even critical of the bailout of the "Big Three"--have been rallying around the Autoworkers. We had thread after thread of support. It seemed endless at times, I didn't see one complaint about the number of redundant threads, the support.

Don't get me wrong: I support them too, and I made threads about this.

Nothing against the Autoworkers at all, but there was nothing like that kind of support for the GLBT community, not after the passage of Prop 8, and not now. I definitely am beginning to see the disparity.

This probably didn't deserve it's own thread, and I'm sorry for wasting bandwidth, but it just angers me a bit. But on the other hand, it's good to see this with my own eyes. I hope others recognize it too.

How many automotive union people have come to the defense of people victimized by Prop 8 or insulted now, yet again, by this selection by Obama.


I just remembered at least a few union people who were outspoken on this latest issue.

I'm sure there are a ton of great union people who are on the side of equality, but I didn't see anywhere near the number of "shut up" threads I saw today.
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mitchtv Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-18-08 04:59 PM
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1. your's is a pet issue
doesn't really count now does it?:sarcasm:
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CreekDog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-18-08 05:07 PM
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2. Did you see "Milk"?
Labor and Gays in 1970's were not natural allies even in San Francisco.

When presented with an opportunity to build his coalition by partnering with a labor union on a boycott, he helped both groups.

which teaches the lesson: find the common ground and stand there. do you have any idea the amount of time LBJ focused on racist, Southern Democratic Senators in trying to pass Civil Rights? Some would have shunned them --he did not.

That's my point. When you write people off, fair though it may be, you often lose your influence with them.

There are people in my circle that voted for Prop. 8 that *could* be convinced to vote otherwise. Now, if we write them off, we lose them entirely. I'm not writing them off.
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