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Maoist anti-gay fag-hag Brian Camenker's fellow travelers are turning on him

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Ian David Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-17-07 08:01 AM
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Maoist anti-gay fag-hag Brian Camenker's fellow travelers are turning on him
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
It's the Reason I Started This Blog!

An alert reader posted a link to a article which is written by a man who used to be a friend of Brian Camenker, Dean Barnett. The article is called Me and Brian Camenker. It's noteworthy to point out that the's radio personalities are all on the radio station that Brian and Amy do their Saturday radio show. You can read the full article here, but here are a few snippets (emphasis mine):

For this news cycle anyway, Brian Camenker has emerged as a thorn in Mitt Romney’s side. A long time fixture on the fringe of Massachusetts politics, Camenker and his organization, MassResistance, have steadily expressed their disappointment with Mitt Romney as well as virtually every other Massachusetts Republican. One important note – Camenker’s MassResistance verges on being a hate group. Its disappointment with Romney and his Republican predecessors in the Massachusetts’ gubernatorial office is that they haven’t been sufficiently hostile to homosexuals.


There was also the issue of Brian’s feelings regarding homosexuality. Brian opposed anything that the schools might do that taught tolerance for homosexuals, not on the practical ground that scarce resources for education should be used solely for, you know, education, but rather on a "moral" ground that teaching tolerance for homosexuality was somehow immoral. I found this repugnant, and was not shy about saying so at Ward and City Committee Meetings. Additionally, it was bad politics. One other note - I also thought that Brian’s concerns regarding homosexuality were deepening into an obsession.

He even talks about the ridiculousness of Article 8/Massresistance's obsession last year with the Macy's mannequins. You really have to read it for yourself.

When the people who are supposed to be on your side are saying these things, I do believe it's time to pack it up.

Posted by Boston Bud at 7:00 PM


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IntravenousDemilo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-18-07 07:10 AM
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1. Wow, this guy actually gives Maoists a bad name. I didn't even know you HAD Maoists... n/m
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