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Hip-hop not on Oprah's playlist?

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rocktivity Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-30-06 11:24 AM
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Hip-hop not on Oprah's playlist?
Edited on Tue May-30-06 11:47 AM by rocknation
From the Contra Costa Times, May 30:
...There are rumblings out there that Empire Oprah isn't showing enough love to the Hip-Hop Nation...

...Last month, 50 Cent complained that Winfrey rarely invites rappers on her talk show: "I think she caters to older white women," he sneered. Ludacris...told GQ magazine that Winfrey was "unfair" to him during a show he appeared on in October with co-stars from best-picture Oscar winner "Crash"...(H)ip-hop elder statesman Ice Cube has joined the fray...(He) tells FHM magazine..."For 'Barbershop,' she had Cedric the Entertainer and Eve on, but I wasn't invited...She's had...rapists, child molesters and lying authors on her show...Maybe she's got a problem with hip-hop..."

(Oprah) told DJ Ed Lover, "...I've been accused of not liking hip-hop and that's just not true. I got a little 50 (Cent) on my iPod...Love 'In Da Club.'...and...Jay-Z, love Kanye (West), love Mary J. (Blige)..."


More regarding Ludacris:
...When he appeared on her show with the rest of “Crash’s” staff, the big “O” was kind of hard on Chris. Anyway, he...say(s)...(to a radio station DJ) that she and he had a personal conversation that went well, but he insinuated that she attempted to get him cut from the show. She also suggested that Luda, as a rapper, was like a racist KKK member...Luda...was on there as an actor so how did they get embroiled into a conversation about the “N-word?” Anyway, Luda certainly let it be known that he got done dirty and they edited all his replies and comments out in the televised show...Oprah has something against hip-op anwe we want to know why@

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Warpy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-30-06 12:25 PM
Response to Original message
1. Oh, cry me a river, then jump into it and drown, rappers
Winfrey's audience is older women, period, and race has nothing to do with it. She's able to appeal across the color spectrum. She doesn't tend to appeal to sweet young things in baggy pants who wish they were born black so they could be cool, too, so that may explain the lack of rappers on her show.

For the record, I don't often watch Winfrey. However, there are occasional rappers I do like, and I'm fat, white, and WAY over 50.

Go figure.
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FILAM23 Donating Member (344 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jul-30-06 12:33 PM
Response to Reply #1
3.  Ain't
on my playlist either.
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Tenseiga Donating Member (100 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-21-06 03:55 PM
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2. Oprah free to do what she wants
within :eyes: FCC :eyes: guidelines, of course.
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ShoePolish Donating Member (14 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-08-06 06:59 AM
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4.  Whoa....I bow down to your prior knowledge....
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SenorSanchez Donating Member (44 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-27-06 10:25 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. rap doesn't bring a postive message
Lets be honest here, a lot of rap isn't the most wholesome piece of expression in the world. I definitely wouldn't want my children listening to most of it. Now there is some good rap out there, but I disagree with most. Seem could be said with rock as well.
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LuckyStrykes Donating Member (50 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Oct-24-06 12:49 PM
Response to Reply #5
6. Is there a law that if you are black
you have to listen to hip hop. And every white person has to listen to country?
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Vorta Donating Member (704 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Nov-02-06 05:35 PM
Response to Reply #6
7. You can listen to both: It's called "Hick Hop" and it's diva is Cowboy Troy
It's called "Hick Hop" and it's diva is Cowboy Troy
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rollopollo Donating Member (107 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-18-06 04:15 AM
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8. In Da Club, Kanye West?
If Oprah wanted to shore up her credentials on hip-hop by claiming to listen to watered-down crossover acts, then maybe she's as far removed from her community as some people imply. I can't help but agree with her critics that her show has not only largely ignored issues that matter to the black community, but issues that specifically address her target audience: white suburban women. She can do what she likes, it's her show. And she's made over one billion dollars doing things her way; money talks.
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