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H2O Donating Member (125 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-27-06 04:29 AM
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Hey All

I found this article; this may be going a bit far, I think

Hispanic Lawmaker Blasts English Proposal
By SUZANNE GAMBOA, Associated Press Writer

Wed Jul 26, 6:03 PM

WASHINGTON - Congress' standoff over immigration legislation flared into emotional rhetoric Wednesday over a House proposal to make English the nation's official language. A Hispanic lawmaker said that was "code for official discrimination."

Rep. Ruben Hinojosa, D-Texas, lashed out at Republicans during a House hearing on the proposal, saying the effort was designed by the House majority to "derail comprehensive immigration reform and fan the flames of anti-immigrant sentiment before the election."

Hinojosa, who grew up in Texas' Rio Grande Valley, said he was among children who were spanked and punished for speaking Spanish in school. He noted a recent case of a Kansas student who was suspended from school for speaking in Spanish to a friend in a hallway.

Hinojosa said the hearing was particularly troublesome considering a government report that found the Department of Education has not devised sufficient tools for schools to assess how well students with limited English are performing. Hinojosa released the report by the Government Accountability Office after the hearing.

"Rather than focus on an issue that divides this country, we should have focused on how we can help our children learn English," he said.

But supporters of the English language proposal said naming English the official language would send a message to newcomers to learn it.

"We have never been and no serious person is suggesting that we become an English Only nation," said Mauro Mujica, U.S. English Inc. board chairman, which promotes English as a national language. "But the American people decidedly do not want us to become an English Optional nation."

Rep. Mark Souder, R-Ind., said without an organized, official language, "we are all going to descend into chaos." He said knowledge of English should be a requirement for immigrants seeking permission to work in the United States.

"If you are going to come to America then learn our language," he said.

The House and Senate have approved separate immigration bills, but have refused to meet to negotiate compromise legislation. The House leaves for summer recess this week and the Senate takes its August break at the end of next week. Elections are Nov. 7.

The Senate version of the immigration bill declares that English is the "national language" of the United States. But the bill also contains a provision that simply states English is the "common and unifying language" of the United States.

In debating the renewal to the Voting Rights Act this month, however, the House voted to uphold a federal requirement that certain communities provide ballots in languages other than English.

Republicans have been concerned about how their position on immigration might affect President Bush's efforts at bringing more Hispanics into the party. But the coming election season, which usually kicks off after Labor Day, has made immigration a sticky issue for those with competitive races.

Wednesday's hearing by a subcommittee of the Education and Workforce Committee was one of about a dozen held this month on immigration. The House has held most of them to build opposition to provisions in the Senate bill, which would provide millions of illegal immigrants a chance to become American citizens.

The House bill emphasizes an enforcement approach, including subjecting all immigrants illegally in the country to felony prosecution. Many conservatives are pushing for legislation that would put enforcement first, but President Bush has asked for a comprehensive immigration bill.

Copyright 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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Sherman A1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-27-06 05:32 AM
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1. Well English is certainly
the 'operative" language of the nation and if anyone is really going to succeed in this country legal or illegal you are going to have to be functional in it. Me thinks this is just another election year waste of time by our darlings in the Congress who apparently have their own language (of wasting our time and money) in their own little world.
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Xipe Totec Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-27-06 05:33 AM
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2. Lets see if we can change one word,
and still pass the smell test:

"We have never been and no serious person is suggesting that we become an Christian Only nation," said Mauro Mujica, U.S. Christians Inc. board chairman, which promotes Christianity as a national religion. "But the American people decidedly do not want us to become a Christianity Optional nation."

Spreading freedom with a jackboot...

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Name removed Donating Member (0 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-01-06 08:25 PM
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IrishPagan Donating Member (2 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-08-06 10:49 PM
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4. Immigrants?
May I ask why they are called illegal "immigrants"?
An immigrant is someone who seeks citizenship in another country by going through that nation's legal processes, I was taken to understanding.
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