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Making a Difference

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Home » Discuss » Topic Forums » Race/Equality Donate to DU
rollopollo Donating Member (107 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-18-06 06:55 PM
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Making a Difference
I see many people here are concerned about racial justice. There's actually plenty of options you can pursue in order to help the cause. Here are just a few programs in which I'm involved and which you may want to consider:

1. - National Urban League Young Professionals; a great way to help out the community. Or if you lack the time, donate. A current emphasis is to get young blacks involved in political grassroots such as local Democrat orgranizations, local ACLU chapters, and even online forums such as Democratic Underground. Diversity is how you prevent institutional unconscious racism from seeping its way even unintentionally into organizational decisions.

2. - I am not involved in the NAACP as I am with the Urban League. However, one program they have is exceptional - "Youth and College" program which is our connection to civil rights activists on campus. Some of these young people are amongst the bravest, most fearless, and most willing to speak truth to power, that you will meet. They don't talk about it, they do it. And that means calling our discrimination whether its on campus or off, on the Left or the Right...there are no sacred cows. Those in violation of discrimination laws are not only confronted, but we publicize these cases to ensure that people in the community know which organizations or which leaders are mistreating black people. It is a very effective program.

3. - An excellent organization to network and build leadership skills.

4. - Black Voices. Not an activist organization but a good place to learn about the black community and issues that matter to us.
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babylonsister Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-18-06 06:57 PM
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1. Thanks for those links, rollopollo, and welcome to DU!
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