Some right winger said this on a forum attacking Affirmative Action. Can you believe the attitude some people have towards minorities.
The term is "bullshit".
It's funny how the left thinks it's just the thing for minorities, yet facts disprove this again and again. On the right, Bill Cosby tells them to stop acting like ghetto kids, start learning manners, and start being parents.
On the left, you have idiots like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson that go off about how blacks are "held back". Do you mean that people don't hire them? Would you hire someone that came in and talked like 50 Cent in a job interview? No? Then why do you expect employers to do so? So they're being "held back" because they don't talk like adults? Whose to blame for this? The left's answer: government. Clearly the lack of "affirmative action" laws keep black people from getting hired...
So let's recap, the right says that black people should start acting like they don't want to stay in the ghetto, and the left tries to excuse them.
The right says that blacks should take on the traits that have made whites successful, and the left says that makes them "uncle toms". So, a black person who stops using that "ebonics" bullshit, gets an education, and makes a name for himself deserves to be called derogatory names?
A lot of people appreciate that message, too bad they're all wearing white hooded robes.
Oh and if there's any doubt left, here's a gem from liberal cartoonist Ted Rall.

So a black woman becomes part of a president's cabinet and the left calls her a "house nigga". Shouldn't the party that claims it's all about diversity be celebrating a minority's success?
Oh they would be doing that if it were a democrat president, and that democrat president would be labeled as the champion of diversity. But it's a republican so we can't give him any recognition for such because it would hurt our image.
So, black people who are successful need to be re-educated into the ghetto lifestyle? So much for the left's belief in making minorities more successful.