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NY Times on the forgotten 1921 Tulsa riot

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alp227 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-20-11 12:48 AM
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NY Times on the forgotten 1921 Tulsa riot
In 2011, people rioted in Vancouver, Canada over a hockey game. 90 years earlier, people burned down Tulsa, Okla. over...gasp! people! But how many people who don't read the New York Times regularly or live in Oklahoma know about it?

The Tulsa race riot of 1921 was rarely mentioned in history books, classrooms or even in private. Blacks and whites alike grew into middle age unaware of what had taken place.

Ever since the story was unearthed by historians and revealed in uncompromising detail in a state government report a decade ago — it estimated that up to 300 people were killed and more than 8,000 left homeless — the black men and women who lived through the events have watched with renewed hope as others worked for some type of justice on their behalf.

But even as the city observed the 90th anniversary this month, the efforts to secure recognition and compensation have produced a mixed record of success.

The riot will be taught for the first time in Tulsa public schools next year but remains absent in many history textbooks across the United States. Civic leaders built monuments to acknowledge the riot, including a new Reconciliation Park, but in the wake of failed legislative and legal attempts, no payments were ever delivered for what was lost.

Before becoming president, Barack Obama once met with some who lived through the riot “to thank the survivors for surviving.” But fewer are surviving each year; today the number is about 40. And before they die, some of their most dedicated advocates continue to fight for greater awareness and compensation, even as they lament that they no longer believe the effort has sufficient momentum.
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madmax Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-20-11 12:55 AM
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1. I always wanted to ask this
Edited on Mon Jun-20-11 12:56 AM by madmax
I'm a white woman so I have no clue as to what it's like to be AA, black, brown. I don't know how people of color have put up with so much shit for so long and still remained faithful to their religion, this country who brought them over in slave ships, beat them, hung them from trees. Treated them worse than second class citizens. And are still getting away with so much. Just look at our prison population. Mr. Byrd from Texas who was dragged behind a pick-up truck until decapitated and dead.

I can't fathom it but, when I think about it I say to myself (yes I talk to myself a lot cuz no one else listens) I guess there isn't much of a choice when you're out numbered. But, thankfully that will change soon and the white man/women is going to be shitting himself. He already is.
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leftistboy Donating Member (89 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-20-11 06:26 AM
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2. pluralism comes from the top down in america
Edited on Mon Jun-20-11 06:27 AM by leftistboy
and not from the bottom up.
and here we have the MSM icon NYT with this item.

Never forget this.
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gordianot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-20-11 06:29 AM
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3. There were many horrible riots in the early 20th century like most history in the.USA forgotten.
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popsicle ricky Donating Member (23 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-27-11 05:34 AM
Response to Reply #3
4. Tulsa Riots
Nothing like it ever. It was the 'Black "Wall St."' The local fat cats owed $$$ to the black investors, many of whom had made a ton of dough. When given the opportunity to compete equally they "kicked that ass'. People 500 miles away never, literally never, heard about it.
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