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NYC_SKP Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-13-13 09:14 PM
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Hi Jerry! A gun hugger on another thread is attempting to push some skewed statistics denying that there is a correlation between those States with stricter gun laws and the lowest incidence of gun violence. Here are some links showing that gun nuts are wrong, and that Hawaii leads all of the states with the lowest incidence of gun violence: And from a real Democrat: The call for more gun legislation, oversight, responsibility, and accountability is growing with each gun-connected atrocity in this country. The vitriolic NRA apologist crowd, including the few very vocal DU right-winger gun fetishists, are becoming more anxious with each new advance by prominent gun control organizations. The tide is turning, and the American people are beginning to realize that sane gun legislation is not only a good idea, but is much needed. 0. Gun violence by State, redux...
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Enthusiast Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-14-13 05:49 AM
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1. This is one of the main issues they use to divide us.
Who is this "they"? They are the fat cats that benefit from the status quo. And it isn't just the status quo. They have worse than the status quo planned for us.

I live in rural Ohio. I can remember decades ago when my beer drinking buddies wouldn't drink a certain brand of beer because they heard that this beer company promoted gun control legislation. Of course they "heard" this from the NRA (gun manufacturers) and the other brewers. Clear back then. It has gotten far worse in recent years. After the election of President Obama in 2008 munitions manufacturers made a fortune in anticipation of, "Obama taking our guns away". It's the crazy. You can't do much about the crazy.

If Democrats wish to preserve their majority in the senate and hope to win a majority in the house they will allow the gun issue to just go away. It is one of the big reasons for the disparity in the rural vote.

So, I do not care if there is a correlation or not. Gun control is the one issue where Democrats lose rural America. I talk to these people, they will say, "You're correct, the Democrats are right about this issue and that issue, but they want to take our guns away so I will never vote for a Democrat."
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