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proposition: we need a Civil Rights forum!

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Rich Hunt Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-30-05 03:17 PM
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proposition: we need a Civil Rights forum!
Edited on Fri Dec-30-05 03:18 PM by Rich Hunt
When I first joined DU, there was a general Civil Rights / Civil Liberties forum. That forum (rightly, I think) split up into a number of forums once DU's scope expanded and they added 'topic forums'. The groups that sprung out of that forum, I believe, were this group, the feminism group, the civil liberties group, and the GLBT group, and probably some others.

I do think those groups are necessary and ought to remain. I also think that Civil Liberties should have its own forum, separate from Civil Rights. However, I find it appalling that there is no general 'Civil Rights' forum, one that would incorporate discussion of racial discrimination but putting it into a larger 'Civil Rights' context.

Of all issues that Democrats deal with, civil rights is nearest and dearest to my heart, but I cannot find a group here that feels most appropriate for the news and discussion I would like to initiate. Most of my work in fact involves the research and analysis of hate groups, their evolving ideologies and tactics, and I find that there is no broad and appropriate forum for this. I think the creation of a Civil Rights group, especially since there USED TO BE ONE, would take some of the burden of discussing hate crimes, news on far right movements and activities (such as the current anti-'immigration' movement) off of this group, which seems to me to be more oriented toward not only discussions of racism but also the histories and cultural issues of particular racial groups.

Am I making myself clear here? I hope I am understood, and that I have at least a few people who remember the old Civil Rights forum and who agree with me that a revival of that forum is in order. I anticipate that such a forum would encompass racial discrimination and harassment in addition to attacks on gays and lesbians, attacks on women as well as attacks on immigrants, American Indians, religious minorities, etc. - you know, the kind of issues that groups like the SPLC deal with.

Thank you for indulging me this proposition. If we generate enough interest, perhaps we could take up this matter with the DU administrators.
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IndyOp Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-30-05 03:18 PM
Response to Original message
1. Nevermind...
Edited on Fri Dec-30-05 03:19 PM by IndyOp
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Rich Hunt Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-30-05 03:21 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. correct, I read that forum currently
Edited on Fri Dec-30-05 03:23 PM by Rich Hunt
But Civil Rights are a distinct issue from Civil Liberties, and the Civil Liberties forum (which is supposed to deal with issues like censorship and police harassment,surveillance, the Bill of Rights, etc.) is not the same as a Civil Rights forum. There used to be a CIVIL RIGHTS / CIVIL LIBERTIES forum, but those two things are not the same, and yet there is a civil liberties forum and no civil rights one.

I don't see anyone talking about hate groups or hate crimes on the Civil Liberties forum - civil liberties is about freedom from the excesses of government, civil rights refers to something entirely different. We need a general forum for news and activism around far right groups, hate groups, hate crimes, discrimination, etc.
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leftstreet Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-30-05 04:04 PM
Response to Original message
3. You've got my vote
While it's appropriate for individuals to have specific forums to address discrimination or harassment - it shouldn't lead to isolation. Far right hate groups don't limit themselves to just targeting gays, or immigrants, or women.

I'd like to see an inclusive forum about civil rights in general.
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Rich Hunt Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-30-05 04:12 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. thanks!

That is exactly my sentiment. We could start a 'DU Group', but since this group and the Civil Liberties group
have 'Forum' status, I'd like to see it be an actual forum. Like I said, Civil Rights has been a fundamental
and defining issue for Democrats for several decades now - it's surprising that there is no dedicated 'Civil Rights'

I guess we could work on a proposal for a DU Group in hopes it could get bumped up to 'forum' status.

I couldn't find anything regarding the creation of new forums - I am assuming it is more difficult, but here
are the procedures for DU Groups:

One of the best things about DU Groups is that members have the ability to suggest new groups to the Administrators of Democratic Underground. If you wish to suggest a group, please follow this procedure:

1. Start one discussion thread in the forum of your choice to tell people about your idea for a DU Group.

2. In that thread, you must get responses from at least ten DU members who agree to be active participants in the suggested DU Group. All ten members to respond must have donor stars.

3. In that thread, members must agree on a proposed mission statement for the DU Group.

4. When enough members have signed on to join the group and have agreed on a proposed mission statement, one member must officially suggest the DU Group to a DU Administrator (Skinner, EarlG, or Elad), by sending an email. Please be sure to include a link to the thread where members have discussed the proposed Group.

5. The Administrators will consider the request and make a decision. The Administrators will either 1) Accept the Group as it is proposed, 2) Deny the Group outright, or 3) Ask for changes to the Group or its mission statement which would be necessary for its approval.

6. Once the suggested Group has been accepted by the Administrators, the Administrators will create a new DU Group in the "DU Groups" Category forum, and pin the mission statement of that Group to the top of that Group's forum.

If you are considering a DU Group on a controversial topic, the Administrators would appreciate if you contacted us before collecting your ten members, so we may discuss any sensitive issues. This courtesy will increase the chance that your Group is approved. Also, please be aware that proposed Groups that are redundant with existing DU Forums are unlikely to be approved.

If you have any questions, please contact a forum Administrator.


Democratic Underground Administrators
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leftstreet Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-30-05 04:18 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. Did you post your original thread in General Discussion?
I don't see it.
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