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America's Racial Plight: The New York Times' "New" Old News

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GumboYaYa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-30-06 10:09 AM
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America's Racial Plight: The New York Times' "New" Old News
A dose of reality from Sylvester Brown, Jr.:


If I see, hear or read one more analysis of "what's wrong with black men," I'm gonna, I'm gonna ...

Erik Eckholm's piece, "Plight Deepens for Black Men..." which ran in The New York Times, raised quite a media stir. Using data from recent studies, Eckholm concluded that young black men have fallen further behind in education and jobs -- despite burgeoning opportunities of the past two decades.

Media outlets wasted no time trotting out black pundits, activists, commentators and other members of the black "intelligentsia" to explain the dire statistics to the rest of us.

America has this strange little psychological game it plays when it comes to race matters. We talk, discuss, debate, and mostly ignore it, for decades and then stand sincerely aghast when the problem doesn't fix itself…..

Eckholm prompts even the well-intentioned to ask, "Why are so many young black men in jail?"

Well ... simply put, we keep putting them there.

America sends more black men to prison than college. Why? Because that's what we've always done. We have a criminal justice system geared to house, feed and contain people, so we use it -- liberally, it seems, as it pertains to young black males.

How many more studies do we need before it sinks in that it's not such a good idea to lock up 25 percent of any male demographic -- as misguided as they may well be?"
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spag68 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-30-06 10:30 AM
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1. prisons
are a huge industry, mostly populated by white men. this is one of the rethugs. most solid voting blocks. They understand that if we get a more reasoned approach to warehousing people, they will lose many of their jobs. How do you think they vote?
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Beezer Donating Member (10 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-07-06 08:31 PM
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2. They Poked fun at Reverse discrimination
But in Doing so gave it Creedence?
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