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FalsePromises: Right Deploys Homophobia 2Win Support frm African Americans

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Ian David Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Apr-03-06 05:34 PM
Original message
FalsePromises: Right Deploys Homophobia 2Win Support frm African Americans
Press Release


National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Policy Institute to release
False Promises: How the Right Deploys Homophobia to Win Support
from African-Americans

Report exposes cynical attempt by Republican Party leaders to
win black votes
Audio Press Conference
Tuesday, April 4 - 1:30PM EST

View report at:

What: Audio Press Conference. The National Gay and Lesbian Task
Force Policy Institute to release a new report -- False
Promises: How the Right Deploys Homophobia to Win Support from

Who: Matt Foreman, executive director, National Gay and Lesbian
Task Force
Nicholas Ray, policy analyst, National Gay and Lesbian Task
Rev. Dr. Yvette Flunder, presiding bishop, Refuge Ministries
Alexander Robinson, executive director, National Black Justice

False Promises: How the Right Deploys Homophobia to Win
Support from African-Americans exposes the dishonesty of
attempts by leaders of the Republican Party to lure black voters
based on 'moral values,' and spotlights the false promises
inherent in Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman's
call for African-Americans to come "back home" to the GOP. The
report compares the voting records of key Republican
policymakers in Congress to polling of African-Americans' top
voting priorities and finds that Republican lawmakers have
abysmal voting records on these issues.



Founded in 1973, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
Foundation (the Task Force) was the first national lesbian, gay,
bisexual and transgender (LGBT) civil rights and advocacy
organization and remains the movement's leading voice for
freedom, justice and equality. We work to build the grassroots
political strength of our community by training state and local
activists and leaders, working to strengthen the infrastructure
of state and local allies, and organizing broad-based campaigns
to build public support for complete equality for LGBT people.
Our Policy Institute, the community's premier think tank,
provides research and policy analysis to support the struggle
for complete equality. As part of a broader social justice
movement, we work to create a world that respects and makes
visible the diversity of human expression and identity where all
people may fully participate in society. Headquartered in
Washington, D.C., we also have offices in New York City, Los
Angeles, Cambridge, Mass., and Miami. The Task Force is a
501(c)(3) corporation incorporated in Washington, D.C.
Contributions to the Task Force are tax deductible to the full
extent allowed by law.

Copyright 2006 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
Creating Change (TM) is a trademark of the National Gay and
Lesbian Task Force. All other trademarks mentioned herein belong
to their respective owners. The Task Force Foundation is a
non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Tax ID #52-1624852.
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Gman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Apr-03-06 06:18 PM
Response to Original message
1. The GOP really thinks the African-American community is that shallow
No matter what the GOP may think of the AA community, they have zero chance of getting any AA support for a generation or two for one reason: Katrina.

The AA community is devoutly religious, but not fundie-stupid, as the GOP wishes.
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Ian David Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Apr-03-06 07:25 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Bush has a 2% approval rating among African-Americans

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NMMNG Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Apr-04-06 05:30 AM
Response to Original message
3. They've been doing that for a while
Claiming that our occasional comparisons of our struggle for equality to the Civil Rights Movement is an insult to Black Americans, and then trying to stir Blacks against us in return. No tactic is too low for them, for despite their claims of "family values" and "morality", they truly have no morals.
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triakis36 Donating Member (180 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-05-06 01:20 AM
Response to Original message
4. They hardly believe in Civil Rights anyway..
..why should the Black community or anyone support them. They have no respect for people of color, queers, women, or anyone that works for a living.
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