Chambers: NAACP Mistaken About OPS Split
NAACP Shames Senators Who Voted For OPS Division
POSTED: 11:23 am CDT April 19, 2006
UPDATED: 6:03 pm CDT April 19, 2006
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OMAHA, Neb. -- The man behind a proposed split of the Omaha Public Schools told KETV NewsWatch 7 on Wednesday that the NAACP is mistaken in its interpretation of his bill.
State Sen. Ernie Chambers said that if anything, the law gives already segregated schools more control over their destinies.

Tommie Wilson
The NAACP on Wednesday broke its silence on the state's decision to split OPS. It said it is opposed to LB 1024, and President Tommie Wilson said all the senators who voted for it should be ashamed.
"LB 1024 is an obvious violation to NAACP policies. It is our belief that any legal separation from would be counterproductive and would work against the African-American people in the long run," Wilson said. "We will use every advocacy tool -- including legal -- at our disposal to fight this unconstitutional law."
The districts would represent north, south and west divisions of the city, and while opponents believe the law creates three racially segregated school districts, supporters say the law is designed to create local control over smaller districts. Supporters also said free busing and open enrollment will create a climate of competition among the schools.
Wilson said the plan could improve schools for minorities, but she believes such legalized segregation will work against blacks in the long run.
Chambers disputes that claim.