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We are defaming their God by putting his name on our money.

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AndyTiedye Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon May-23-05 12:26 PM
Original message
We are defaming their God by putting his name on our money.
It seems pretty clear to me that putting "In God We Trust" on our
currency is a violation of the establishment clause of the first
amendment. But good Christians are not supposed to care about that,
as it is their church that has been established.

But Christians may have their own reasons for being offended by it.
That placement would appear to violate the Biblical injunction:
"Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, and unto God what is God's"
which was attributed to Jesus himself. Jesus was also known for
throwing money-changers out of the temple and all that.

We are defaming their God by putting his name on our money.

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madhat Donating Member (308 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon May-23-05 12:28 PM
Original message
HER name. n/t
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AndyTiedye Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon May-23-05 01:42 PM
Response to Original message
4. wouldn't that be "In Goddess We Trust"?
I'm sure no self-respecting Goddess would want her name used that way either.

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libertypirate Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon May-23-05 12:28 PM
Response to Original message
1. God is a title not a name!
Edited on Mon May-23-05 12:30 PM by libertypirate
I am not sure the spelling the christian god's name is Jehovah.
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johnnomac Donating Member (55 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-26-05 02:55 PM
Response to Reply #1
8. Among others, yes
The Judeo-Christian deity has many names found in the Torah and Bible, including Jehovah, Yahweh, YHWH, Jah, and I think there are a couple others. All these are various forms of the Hebrew verb "to be". Hebrew for "God" (meaning deity) is also used, such as Eloha, Elohim, El, Eli, or a few more variations thereof.

Basically, in Western society, god means "a being which is worshipped", while God refers to the Judeo-Christian god specifically.
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malmapus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon May-23-05 12:34 PM
Response to Original message
2. Trent Reznor said it best...

god money i'll do anything for you. god money just tell me what you want me to

god money nail me up against the wall. god money don't want everything, he wants it all

no you can't take it. no you can't take it (no you can't take that away from me)

head like a hole, black as your soul. i'd rather die than give you control

bow down before the one you serve, you're going to get what you deserve
god money's not looking for the cure. god money's not concerned about the sick among the pure

god money let's go dancing on the backs of the bruised. god money's not the one to choose
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Cobalt Violet Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-21-06 08:03 PM
Response to Reply #2
10. In Trent we trust.
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politicaholic Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon May-23-05 12:36 PM
Response to Original message
3. Putting God on a symbol of greed is a great way to guarantee hell...
for all Americans.

Or is it that if you put God on the dollar it purifys the dollar and makes it easier on your conscious when you fork over for drugs, whores, and worst of all, bobblehead dashboard Jesus.

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johnnomac Donating Member (55 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-26-05 02:50 PM
Response to Reply #3
7. Not for the followers of Extremist Capitalism!
Edited on Thu May-26-05 02:51 PM by johnnomac
"Oh, but if something involves money changing hands, it has already been blessed and purified by the Market. All hail the Market!"
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Tux Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon May-23-05 10:06 PM
Response to Original message
5. Generic
Edited on Mon May-23-05 10:06 PM by Tux
Christian God has a name but Christians use the generic word god so people will know there is only one god in 3 forms yet one god. Using the lower case of god would be fine.
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johnnomac Donating Member (55 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-26-05 02:48 PM
Response to Reply #5
6. Not really generic....
If it were generic, it would say In a god we trust, which would still be offensive to many. Not to mention awkward to say and very... half-assed, for lack of a better term. God, with a capital G, is almost exclusively used to refer to the Judeo-Christian deity. In Western society, anyway.
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dattaswamI Donating Member (103 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-29-05 05:19 AM
Response to Original message
Q.) Jesus said that one can reach His Father through Him only and that He is the only path. Does this not mean that we have to follow only Jesus? In such case how to accept your Universal Religion? (A question posed to Swami by several Holy Christians from all over the world).

Ans.) My dear devoted Holy Christian souls, Does Jesus represent a human body? Or a word? Or both?

If human body is represented: Such a human body does not exist now. Only a particular human generation, that too, in a particular place was favoured by the association of the human body of Jesus. Is it not the partiality of God?

If word is represented:- The previous human generations before the birth of Jesus were not favoured with this word and this also leads to the partiality of God.

If both are represented: - Both the above objections will attack together strengthening the partiality of God.

God is impartial. He created this entire Universe. He should not favour a part of infinite time and a particular piece of the world. Since there is no re-birth of the soul, as you say, all those unlucky souls fell permanantly in the hell. Now such souls cannot take human re-birth to pray Jesus for the salvation. If you say that some other prophet by name Mosses or some other name, equal to Jesus, existed before the birth of Jesus, then, “Jesus alone is the Saviour” will be wrong. If you say that Mosses was also the same Jesus, then, why not some other person, X or Y or Z, after the birth of Jesus also be Jesus? In such case Jesus exists before and after the birth of Jesus. Then Jesus is omniscent and omni-potent. In such case Jesus in some other human forms by some other names must have existed always. In such case, Jesus can exist in different human forms simultaneously also in different countries during the same human generation to avoid the partiality, because the different countries might not have contact with each other during a particular old human generation. In fact, this was true because the countries were not having any contact with each other, a few centuries ago. God is the Father of all the people in all the countries of this Universe and therefore, He should be impartial to all His children. You have to agree with this point because only one God created this whole Universe. It will be further better to replace the word Jesus by a general word like “Holy Spirit”, because the word Jesus signifies a particular human body only according to general sense of the public. The word “Holy Spirit” does not signify any particular human body and therefore it will be reasonable to say that the Holy Spirit is the God and this Holy Spirit existed in all those divine human forms. Infact, the Holy Spirit is the purest power of God that enters a particular chosen deserving human body in every country during the same human generation. By this, every country gets equal benefit. When Jesus existed in a particular place, the other countries were not having any comunication with that Holy place of Jesus. Those human gererations in other countries must have gone to the hell because Jesus was the only saviour. Of-course, some people who were associated with Jesus also went to hell since they disbelieved Him. But those people, atleast, got the chance of association with Holy Jesus because they existed in that place. Had that chance of association been given to the people of other countries also, there might have been a fraction of the people, which, might have believed Jesus and might have been liberated. Such salvation of a fraction of people happened in that Holy place where Jesus lived. This objection will charge Jesus or (and) God with lack of planning and lack of impartiality. To remove this charge, the above Universal Concept has to be accepted by open minds following a logical scientific path of analysis, which is essential in any line of knowledge including the spiritual knowledge.

Oh! Great Christians! I appreciate you from the bottom of my heart for your one pointed faith and sincerity towards God. Who can be compared with you, in this world, for your practical sacrifice in the mission of God and for your kindest hearts in the service rendered to the downtrodden people? Fortunately you are also the toppers in Science, which, is the result of most powerful practical analysis of any concept. Thus you are the best cream of this creation in all the aspects. But, why don’t you apply a trace of that powerful systematic logical scientific analysis in this spiritual knowledge also? Why should you follow the interpretations of your fellow human beings, who are just equal to you? You can yourselves analyse the divine statements of God Jesus with your own intellectual faculty based on simple logical analysis. Since only one God created this Universe, since only God is the father of all the human beings in this world and since the father must be impartial to all the children, the same God must have written all the Religious Scriptures. These Scriptures cannot and should not contradict each other. If there is any contradiction, that must have been the mis-interpretation of some closed minds.

When Jesus is going to be born, Jesus was announced as “Emmanuel”, meaning that God is coming in human form to live with the human beings. Whenever the word Jesus comes, it should mean only ‘Emmanuel’. When you say that Jesus is the only path, it means that the human form of God is the only path to reach God. Whenever Jesus utters the word “I”, that word ‘I’ means ‘Emmanuel’, who is a general human incarnation of God and not a particular human incarnation only. The reason for the emphasis on human form of God is that the human beings can have vision for a long time, can touch Him for a long time, can converse with Him for a long time and can live with Him for a long time when He is in the human body. The Holy Spirit can enter the body of light also, which is called as Angel. Such a body can be seen for a little time only since the light has the nature of propagation in the space. Such angel cannot be touched due to high intensity of radiation. The angel talks briefly for the same reason. The angel cannot live with human beings for a long time. Thus human body is most convenient for the human beings. This soul goes to the upper world by taking a body of light energy. For those souls in the upper world, God also appears with a body of bright light energy. Jesus referred this form of God as the Father of the Heaven. A human being with this materialized body cannot approach the God with that powerful energetic body. The meaning of the statement that a human being can approach God only through Jesus is that a material body can approach God through a material body only. God is one and the same whether He is present in the body of light or in the materialized human body. From the point of God, Jesus and the Father of Heaven are one and the same. The milk present in a golden cup is the same as the milk present in a ceramic cup. “Jesus will come again!” means that God will come again and again in human form for every human generation, to avoid the partiality of the Father to a particular human generation. In this context the word Jesus means “Emmanuel”. The statement that Jesus is the light is a concept of Science. The word Jesus indicates the external human body, which is made of the five elements i.e., earth, water, energy, air and space. Space is common for both matter and energy, which is the basis of the concept of volume. Volume is the property of the space. Both matter and energy need space. Earth, water and air constitute matter in solid, liquid and gaseous states. Thus the matter in the human body is another form of energy according to Law of Mass- energy equivalence (E = M x C Square). Thus the human body of Jesus, which is constituted by matter is a form of energy and thus it is equal to the energetic body of the Father of heaven. Thus from the point of external body also, the “Emmanuel” and the Father of Heaven are one and the same. A person present in bright silk cloth or dull cotton cloth is one and same. Such interpretations must be logical and also must be proving the impartial love of God towards all His children on the earth.
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kiahzero Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-22-06 09:24 PM
Response to Reply #9
11. ... OK.
That was pointless and irrelevant.
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angry_chuck Donating Member (346 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Nov-30-06 11:17 PM
Response to Original message
12. it is not our money
the federal reserve is just as federal as federal express.

They own the notes and our gold. The euro is almost twice the value of the dollar. The bankers who puppeteer the fed are growing more rich while America slips into great debt. The borrower is always servant to the lender. Always.
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I Am So Me Donating Member (15 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-22-10 03:30 PM
Response to Original message
13. A Very Misused Verse
That verse is one of the most misused versed in the Bible. What people don't understand is that it is actually a very sarcastic remark and you'll find this out when you read the verse in the full context of the chapter.
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