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Uh oh! Left Behinders fighting over true End Times theory.

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ArthurRuger Donating Member (91 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-05-04 09:27 PM
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Uh oh! Left Behinders fighting over true End Times theory.

Tim Lahaye has been betrayed by one of his own publishers who has published the first in a new series by another author.

Only problem is in the new series "End Time" already happened.

"I was shocked beyond words, just stunned," LaHaye said, "when I saw this from this publisher. See, I was their first writer -- Spirit-Controlled Temper was my first book. And they've held the pre-trib position for 40 years. That's why I went to them."

"It comes right down to the issue of whether the millennium is a thousand years, the way the Book of Revelation clearly says it is, or whether it's an ambiguous period of time, and we can't pin it down."

"Their idea that the Book of Revelation was written in 64 or 66 A.D. means it's passed -- it was all fulfilled," he notes. "Personally, I think it's an absolutely ridiculous view -- and indefensible."

According the the article published by Agape Press, LaHaye feels the Left Behind series he wrote with Jerry Jenkins gives readers a more biblically accurate view of end times prophecy, but now he says (as quoted in the Dallas Morning News), "They are going to take the money we made for them and promote this nonsense."

But Ron Beers, senior vice president of Tyndale, feels there is nothing strange about Tyndale publishing both series of books. The Dallas Morning News quotes him as saying that Tyndale, as a Christian publisher, is committed to representing a diversity of viewpoints. He notes that there are "a variety of perspectives on the end times" and says some readers "had a problem with the theology in the Left Behind books."

click on the link at the top of this post to read the article.
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acmavm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-05-04 09:29 PM
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1. Now this is funny. A hateful Christian armageddonist fighting with
his publisher because he's been unfaithful and published another writer.

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NVMojo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-05-04 09:32 PM
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2. I'm buying the true theory book just to piss off the LaHaye jerks
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The Doctor. Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-05-04 09:33 PM
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3. "The vision of a small child who, every year, waits behind
the chair near the fireplace for Santa - and every year has to make an excuse about how Santa is REALLY supposed to come next year."

But these children think they're adults.
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yellowdogintexas Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-05-04 09:47 PM
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4. I think I will read this book too. Tim Lahaye is such a hack
I am glad this outfit is producing a readable interpretation of what Revelation is.

It was almost voted out of the Biblical canon entirely anyway, around 300AD
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Wolf Frankula Donating Member (118 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-05-10 07:24 PM
Response to Reply #4
11. Martin Luther wanted it out too.
He declared, 'It does not reveal.'

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chicagojoe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-05-04 10:41 PM
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5. Do ANY of these folks live in the reality-based world?!?!
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renaissanceguy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-18-04 05:10 PM
Response to Reply #5
9. Nope.
They're in a bubble and rationalize any prejudices or misconceptions they have.
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davidinalameda Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-09-04 01:34 PM
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6. love it when Christians fight each other
than means they have less time to fight the rest of us
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ktowntennesseedem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-09-04 05:54 PM
Response to Reply #6
7. Been doing it for 2000 years.
That's why there are so many different Christian groups and denominations in existence. Whenever they do happen to agree on something long enough to work together, as in a past few election cycles, their "unity" never goes very deep. It is quickly shattered as soon as a majority begin to coalesce around a viewpoint that not everyone is comfortable with, and those in the majority decide to force it on everyone else. That's when all the disagreements come out, and all the fun begins as those on the margins get squeezed out of the mainstream. The religious right will never break apart entirely, but will gradually splinter as various factions begin to argue over the "finer" points.

I just hope it happens sooner rather than later!

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GOPBasher Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-17-04 01:15 PM
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8. Nazis are fighting Nazis? Great!
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GSanon Donating Member (69 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-25-10 12:09 PM
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10. I bet TL is just jealous...
that Harry Potter is more popular than LB.
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