Romney's no Kennedy regarding religion. Who wants to hear about someone's religion in public anyway?
When are they going to talk about giving back our Constitution and rights? Remove our debt and loss of power? Get our military bases out of the ME, etc. and back home at our borders? Build up our wiped out military and equipment? Lower the trade deficit? Chemicals on and in products and drugs from China (who is dumping their waste on us) removed?
Many say President Kennedy did allow the Cardinal in Boston to interfere in his foreign policy agenda. Apparently the Cardinal (a family friend) talked Kennedy into Vietnam to kick out the Communists (who hate religion since it leaves the country poor and over populated...the clergy also are corrupt and control the leaders). Look how well that turned out?
The problems with Cuba were also related to getting the Catholic church back in control. Castro kicked them out along with the Batista crooks.
There would be no Communism if the European religious groups (primarily Catholics) didn't want to control their country and destroy their culture. Now American RW Protestant evangelicals want into countries using our power and force (destroyed their temples and places of worship in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.).
Romney would say anything to get elected...he swings from pro-life to choice depending on the area. He won on a pro-choice policy in PA. Now he's anti-abortion to get RW Evangelical support.
Any candidate for public office who brings their religion to the front of an election debate should not be elected (Lieberman and Romney fit that profile). It violates the Constitution since as President he is to represent all the people not just his God or group.
Americans United for Separation of Church and State has tried to sue but their cases have been thrown mostly out of court. The Supremes have violated our Constitution more than once. First the stolen election (when states control elections and the rules) and then the trashing of the Constitution. Those who failed to protect it should be impeached. They like the representatives did swear an oath of office to protect it against all enemies foreign and domestic.