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Edwards lays it out on the annivesary of a bad Act

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okamichan13 Donating Member (77 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-17-07 04:03 PM
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Edwards lays it out on the annivesary of a bad Act
check out Edwards statement on the the anniversary of the Military Commission Act:

"A year ago today, a Republican-controlled Congress passed the Military Commissions Act, which repudiated the writ of habeas corpus and has allowed the president to imprison whomever he pleases for as long as he pleases without trial, charge or judicial review. Meanwhile, there are indications that U.S. agents continue to use interrogation techniques long considered torture, such as cold cell treatment and waterboarding.

"Congress is considering new wiretapping laws that go well beyond the authority the president needs to keep our country safe by allowing wiretapping of Americans' phone calls and emails without court supervision. Once again, George Bush is intimidating his critics with political threats.

"It's time for Congress to show some backbone and stand up for the principles that have always made America strong. To defeat terrorism, we must preserve our moral authority to lead the world. If we are to succeed in spreading democracy abroad, we must defend the fundamental principles of democracy at home."
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waiting for hope Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-17-07 08:05 PM
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1. Go, Johnny, GO!
Thanks - K&R!!
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