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BitterSweet Victory for Louisiana Woman

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Okiegal123 Donating Member (35 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-09-07 10:34 AM
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BitterSweet Victory for Louisiana Woman
AG declines perjury charge

by: RHETT MORGAN World Staff Writer
11/9/2007 1:58 AM

But Edmondson says he still believes the woman falsified information.

OKLAHOMA CITY — Attorney General Drew Edmondson said Thursday his office won’t pursue a criminal charge against a Louisiana woman who he believes falsified information in a complaint against an Oklahoma Highway Patrol trooper.

The decision stems from an alleged verbal exchange between OHP Trooper Rocky Northcutt, 46, and Latisha White, 33, during a September 2006 traffic stop in Carter County.

The AG’s office had to determine whether White had perjured herself in filing the complaint, in which she alleged Northcutt used the F-word five times.

“I believe Ms. White falsified information in the complaint she filed against Trooper Northcutt, but a perjury conviction is not guaranteed,” Edmondson wrote in a prepared statement.

Edmondson noted that while filed in Oklahoma, the complaint was notarized in Louisiana, creating a question of venue. Also, White simply could have sent a letter to file a complaint instead of filling out a notarized form, the AG said.

“These factors mean the success of a perjury prosecution would hinge more on legal technicalities than the facts of the case,” Edmondson wrote. “The facts are clear, but the legal waters are murky.”

In a faxed statement, Chris J. Roy, an attorney who represents White in a related civil matter, declined to comment on Edmondson’s decision, saying he hadn’t received confirmation from any legal authority in Oklahoma.

After having her complaint notarized in Louisiana, White filed it with the Oklahoma Department of Public Safety.

Carter County prosecutors charged White in January with perjury, saying she lied in her sworn statement.

Last month, however, a Carter County judge ordered the felony count against White dismissed without prejudice, meaning the charge could be refiled. In doing so, the judge wrote that a “more appropriate venue” for prosecution was likely in Oklahoma County, where the DPS is based in Oklahoma City.

Edmondson wrote Thursday that he and members of his staff reviewed a video of the traffic stop and found no evidence to support White’s claims. He added that he viewed nothing that indicated Northcutt acted improperly.

“The video shows he handled the situation professionally and competently,” Edmondson wrote in his decision. “From the evidence I’ve seen, the trooper is right and Ms. White is wrong.”

Edmondson said the case would be more effectively litigated in civil court. Northcutt, a former National Trooper of the Year who has worked for the OHP since 1991, is suing White for libel/ slander in Oklahoma County, records show. White, an Oklahoma native and Ardmore High School graduate, has a defamation suit against Northcutt pending in Louisiana.

The incident occurred after Northcutt initiated a traffic stop of White’s sister, Stormy Knight, who was towing a horse trailer. White, who was following Knight in a separate vehicle, reportedly was admonished by the trooper for pulling behind his vehicle.


Rhett Morgan
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