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NAACP opposes red-light cameras

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Algorem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-28-07 09:33 AM
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NAACP opposes red-light cameras

Ohio: Third City Attempts Anti-Camera Referendum

NAACP begins push for charter amendment that would ban red light cameras in Cincinnati, Ohio.

..."This expansion I see of government into the private lives of citizens is very concerning," NAACP chapter President Christopher Smitherman told the Cincinnati Enquirer newspaper. "I have a sense that big brother is watching more and more and our civil liberties are being eroded."

If successful, Cincinnati voters would join East Cleveland and Steubenville in having a public say on the future of photo enforcement. Last month the East Cleveland community activist group known as Black on Black Crime secured the required number of signatures to put cameras on the ballot. In November 2006, three out of every four voters in Steubenville agreed to kick out the devices in the state's first public vote on the devices. Despite claims that red light cameras are popular, no photo enforcement program has ever survived a referendum...

Source: NAACP seeks vote on traffic cameras
(Cincinnati Enquirer (OH), 12/27/2007)


UK: Speed Camera Christmas Bonfire
Buckinghamshire, UK speed camera set ablaze just two days before Christmas.
The Revolt / Camera Destruction READ MORE>>

France: Group Bombs Seven Speed Cameras
An anti-speed camera group demands that the French government lower taxes or it will continue destroying its revenue machines.
The Revolt / Camera Destruction READ MORE>>

Tennessee: Gunfire Blasts Red Light Camera
Knoxville, Tennessee police accuse a man of blasting a red light camera with a .30-06 rifle.
The Revolt / Camera Destruction READ MORE>>

UK, Australia Speed Cameras Attacked
Three fixed and one mobile speed camera have been damaged or destroyed in the past week in Australia and the UK.
The Revolt / Camera Destruction READ MORE>>

UK: Speed Camera Bonfire on Guy Fawkes Day
A speed camera is set on fire on Guy Fawkes Day in Hertfordshire, UK.
The Revolt / Camera Destruction READ MORE>>

UK Motorists Beat London Tax by Becoming Cabbies
Expensive cars register as taxis to avoid the London, UK congestion tax.
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DCKit Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-28-07 12:01 PM
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1. Election Fraud, Disenfranchised Voters and Disappearing Constitutional Rights...
and THIS is the NAACPs cause du jour????????

Let me guess: One of the top "leaders" has a lead foot, got busted and is now on a personal crusade.

"Fuck the little people, I wanna drive through red lights."

There have been four fatal accidents and dozens of close calls at an intersection half a block from my front door in the past three years. Yeah, I want cameras.
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RadioRaheem84 Donating Member (6 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-28-07 04:36 PM
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2. yeah but..
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benEzra Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-29-07 10:30 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. Setting up cameras, and purposely setting yellow lights too short...
is a revenue-generating mechanism, big-time. Studies have shown that lengthening the yellow caution period reduces red-light crashes more than cameras, without the sharp increases in rear-end collisions that tend to occur at short-yellow, camera-equipped intersections.

In most states, the contractors that provide the cameras (whether red-light or speed trap cameras) get a cut of the ticket revenue generated, and those people are the ones who tout the safety benefits of cameras. Follow the money...
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midlife_mo_Jo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-07-08 05:27 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. In my community, we have four red light cameras
Edited on Mon Jan-07-08 05:28 PM by midlife_mo_Jo
The intersections are clearly marked with large permanent signs that cameras are being used! Because these were four dangerous intersections where many accidents had occurred, our city council is trying this as a way of reducing accidents and fatalities. So far, it's been pretty successful. As long as the signs stay up, and the yelow light time period isn't shortened - in other words, the cameras are there to prevent accidents and not as a revenue source - I think I actually support their presence.
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