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New Play on U.S. Torture Policy AGAIN Has Premiered in Chicago

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ChicagoRonin Donating Member (250 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-16-08 05:14 PM
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New Play on U.S. Torture Policy AGAIN Has Premiered in Chicago
New Play on U.S. Torture Policy AGAIN Has Premiered!

II Roman Senators Productions, in association with Studio 207, present
AGAIN - What Would You Give Up to Feel Safe?
Written and directed by Steven M. Roseman
In this age of war and fear, Jacob Ben-Kor, a college student from
Michigan, has been arrested on charges of suspicion of terrorism.
Named an "unlawful enemy combatant" by the President of the United
States, he is incarcerated in an undisclosed American detention
facility. Jacob's frightened and frustrated grandmother hires an
attorney and old family friend, Monica Athelrod, to represent him in
an attempt to win his release and prove his innocence. Facing off
against the General in charge of the facility, a tribunal system
tilted to find guilt at any cost, and the undeniable fact of her
client's torture at the hands of the US Government, Monica must risk
her own life for the slim chance of saving Jacob.
Playing Thursdays through Saturdays at 8pm and Sundays at 3pm, from
January 10th until February 17th, 2008, AGAIN will run at Angel
Island, 731 W. Sheridan Rd., Chicago, IL. Tickets are $15.00.
Call 773-972-7685 or email to get your tickets now!
Cast: Steve Gilpin, Claire Panger, Dwight Sora, Amber Rae Schafer, Dan
Cox, Rocky Russell-Brown and Phil Marmet.
Original Score by Phil Marmet
Lighting: Dan Tamarkin
Stage Management: Neil Barron
Set Production: Big Works Inc.
Scenic Design: Lauren Nelson
Costumes: Riley Messina
Video Production: Mark Siska
Graphic Design: Wendy Keller
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