The Monitor
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February 17, 2008
Today's Guest:
-- National Lawyers Guild President MARJORIE COHN
on our Cowboy Republic
(White House photo)
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<> 6:00 pm CDT -- National Lawyers Guild President MARJORIE COHN on our Cowboy Republic
Law professor MARJORIE COHN is a frequent legal analyst on The Monitor. She and Monitor co-host Mark Bebawi will discuss her book,
"Cowboy Republic: Six Ways the Bush Gang Has Defied the Law." Last week Marjorie and Mark discussed using intelligence gained through torture; the recent CIA admission it used waterboarding on three prisoners; the investigation of the destruction of several hundred hours of videotapes depicting interrogations; and the stop-go-stop congressional debate on retroactive immunity for telecommunications companies, for cooperating with the federal government in surveillance on citizens.
Professor Cohn is the President of the National Lawyers Guild, and is a professor of law at Thomas Jefferson School of Law, where she teaches criminal law and procedure, evidence, and international human rights law.
She lectures throughout the world on international human rights and US foreign policy. Professor Cohn has written columns for the Los Angeles Daily Journal and the San Francisco Daily Journal, is a news consultant for CBS News, and a legal analyst for Court TV. She has provided legal and political commentary on BBC, CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, NPR, Truthout, and Pacifica Radio.
She is co-author of the book "Cameras in the Courtroom: Television and the Pursuit of Justice." She was a legal observer in Iran on behalf of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, and she has participated in delegations to Cuba, China and Yugoslavia. She has lived in Mexico and is fluent in Spanish.
"Cowboy Republic: Six Ways the Bush Gang Has Defied the Law"
The six ways:
--illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq;
--the policy of torture;
--war crimes;
--Guantanamo’s kangaroo courts;
--unconstitutional laws; and
--the unlawful surveillance of American citizens.
<> 6:30 pm CDT - Headlines In order to have Marjorie with us for an extended conversation, we have moved HEADLINES to the second part of the hour, just for this week.
KPFT - Pacifica Radio in Houston
BROADCAST TIME, one hour, starting at:
6 pm Central
. . . 7 pm Eastern
. . . . . 4 pm Pacific
HOW TO LISTEN WITH A RADIO:Within about 100 miles of Houston, Texas, tune into 90.1 FM on your radio.
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CO-HOSTS: Mark Bebawi, and Pokey Anderson
ENGINEER: Todd Simmons
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ARCHIVES for The Monitor February 17
-- National Lawyers Guild President MARJORIE COHN on our Cowboy Republic
February 10
-- MARJORIE COHN on current Consitutional issues
-- SUSAN PYNCHON and KITTY GARBER on Florida's lost 100,000 votes
February 3
-- SUSAN PYNCHON, on what happened in the NH Primary recount
-- Commentary by KEITH OLBERMANN on Bush and surveillance
-- Sportswriter DAVE ZIRIN casts a critical eye at sports culture
January 27
-- ALI ABUNIMAH on Gaza, relations between Hamas and Egypt and the current border issues
-- Investigative journalist JEREMY SCAHILL on the mercenary army Blackwater
January 20
-- AMAAD RIVERA on who got hit by the subprime loans
-- Investigative reporter DAVE LINDORFF on the proposed economic stimulus, & more
January 13
-- DR. JOHN RATEY on exercise and your brain
-- Journalist DORI SMITH investigates: Who counts in NH?
January 6
-- ELLIOT COHEN on electronic threats to privacy and democracy
-- On the ground in IOWA and NEW HAMPSHIRE with volunteers for two campaigns