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1986 Memo-Directive From Former US Attorney General Ed Meese On Seizing Defendants Assets

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formerfed Donating Member (103 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-11-08 06:47 AM
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1986 Memo-Directive From Former US Attorney General Ed Meese On Seizing Defendants Assets
If you feel this is news worthy enough, please pass it on.

In early 1986 a memo-directive came down from then US Attorney Ed Meese to all federal law enforcement agencies directing them to immediately begin stepping up seizures and forfeitures of suspect’s assets and anything else of value. I know because I was privy (by accident)to see it. Without getting into the real nuts and bolts of the wording, here is the meat of it and the snowball effect that came about that is still being felt to this day by the guilty and innocent.

In their wisdom, the DOJ came up with this plan to begin seizing any assets that could be taken and even forfeited before a defendant went to trial, or convicted of a crime. And assets meant anything of value. I once saw a bag of ruby’s confiscated, appraised and sold. One of the “red flags” that some of us began to see was the fact the government began having forfeiture hearings long before a guilty plea or trial. How did they condone this? Didn’t matter, they just did it.

Quick example, famous restaurateur Paul Palermo was arrested in 1986 on a reverse sting operation where he was actually sold multi-kilos of cocaine by DEA. He wasn’t even present when the actual deal went down. But, he had driven his mint condition 1984 Mercedes convertible coupe to a meeting with the CI the day before. Agents seized his car right out from under him on I-95 and took his Rolex watch to because during negotiations he was asked what time he thought he could meet. Of course, Palermo looked at his Rolex to see what time it was. Three months later they auctioned off the car and watch after a judge signed off at the forfeiture hearing before the case went to court. One year later, and before trial, all charges were dropped against Palermo because of gross government misconduct. But, to bad his car and watch were gone.

The AG’s thoughts were not just to hit the criminals in the pocketbook as a deterrent and punishment. No, we were also allowed to keep some property such as cars, boats, planes, jewelry etc. And we could also divvy it up to the locals who were members of the joint task forces. At one point, it became so bad that we were even allowed to “negotiate” with criminals who did not have enough cash on hand to buy drugs, guns or other illegal items so we actually started (your going to love this) accepting collateral. Car titles, deeds to homes, and even IOU’s. I know at this point you think I’m full of sh…. But I assure you not. Nor am I a disgruntled employee. Im happily retired and have a lucrative retiree job (not with the gov)

One quick example. Roy Jones of Miami Florida had $5,000 cash to his name and a dream to be a big time pot smuggler. Well, five grand wont get you much pot, even if you go to Jamaica and buy it direct. So, when agents discovered Roy did not have the $70,000 needed, he should have been spanked on the ass and ran out of town and told never to do this again. But, after a few phone calls, Roy was asked if he had any collateral he could put up to secure the difference of the cash needed. He did have a van, panel truck, home and a small 4 door older Mercedes that he would be willing to put up. So, Roy and a CI went back to Miami and returned with the van, truck, notarized letter putting up his home and title for the Mercedes.

Cops busted Roy at a local Holiday Inn after accepting the $5000 and letter of collateral. Now the funny part, the agents went to seize everything Roy had put up as security only to find that the van and panel truck were lease vehicles. The home was being rented, the Mercedes was rusted out and on blocks and the $5,000 belonged to Roy’s father so they also had to give that back.

Once we had a wanna be pilot & smuggler who had a connection in Jamaica for pot but no way to get there. Unfortunately, the feds could not let one of their own planes leave the country just for pot. So, we stole him an airplane, put a transponder on it to track him and gave him the go ahead. He did not go, said something did not feel right.

With out making this any longer then necessary to get my point across I just want to say that I hope you get the idea and the seriousness of just how out of control this has all become.

And I will close with the WORST part of this whole deplorable mess. Ed Meese also approved and instigated a payment incentive to all informants who were instrumental in any assets seized from any and all cases informants were involved in. Up to 25% of the value recovered and or forfeited as long as that CI agreed to testify and did not rock the boat. In essence, this put a bounty on every Americans head.
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Clovis Sangrail Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-11-08 07:20 AM
Response to Original message
1. smells like bullshit
the $5,000 belonged to Roy’s father so they also had to give that back

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formerfed Donating Member (103 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-11-08 07:34 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Yes They Did
Edited on Tue Mar-11-08 07:36 AM by formerfed
It can smell however you like it to. Thats the way it went down. Guess you had to be there...
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pwdgroup Donating Member (190 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-11-08 09:30 AM
Response to Reply #1
5. Smells??
Edited on Tue Mar-11-08 09:31 AM by pwdgroup
If you get popped in your friends car by yourself for selling dope, your friends can get the car back. So, in this case I would assume it was somehow proven it was not the mans money.

OR, the feds were so f'n... embarressed ( or scarred of being sued) they just wanted this to all go away.

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Gman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-11-08 07:56 AM
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3. I remember the talk that one had better not be Black, driving up I95 and
having a sizable amount of cash. Blacks on I95 would be pulled over, asked where they got the cash, the answer never being good enough, the cash was declared drug money by law enforcement and seized. There was no arrest made and good luck getting it back.

Nice story and it seems very plausible given the documented abuses that went on back during the 80's. I don't know if it still continues.

You should write a book about it.
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formerfed Donating Member (103 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-11-08 08:08 AM
Response to Reply #3
4. Book
There is a new book out by a man I know who only meant to write about childhood psycological diseases that he unknowingly grow up with.

When the book was done, it turned out to be more of a huge government expose' (he also worked for the gov) and the book has some agencies running for cover. Here is a link if anyone is interested. The author was also involved in the Noriega scandal, a plot to set up the original cast members of Miami Vice and much more. And it is all corroberated.
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pwdgroup Donating Member (190 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-11-08 10:44 AM
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6. Here's what REALLY SUCKS and pay attention to the wording
The next to last paragraph of this post is VERY SCARY.... And I believe it completely. There is a bounty on everyones head...

"And I will close with the WORST part of this whole deplorable mess. Ed Meece also approved and instigated a payment incentive to all informants who were instrumental in any assets seized from any and all cases informants were involved in. Up to 25% of the value recovered and or forfeited as long as that CI agreed to testify and did not rock the boat. In essence, this put a bounty on every Americans head."

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