Exposed Persons list.
It's not just the telephone companies who are spying on us. They are using your bank too.
There are companies who profit off this intelligence gathering. You can guess who they support to get that?
If you listen to the NPR program interview. You see they are Indian type accents. Is this an Indian company or just cheap labor they hire here connected to India? India has been given our federal information and now our bank data? Is this not a private information risk to us?
Yes...Spitzer knew and NY City this is not funny. Spitzer promised us reforms instead he became part of the problem. Is this not what they've been doing to us since Clinton? Make spying and sex scandals/joke smoke screens to remove our freedoms?
I was listening to Air America this morning. What did they talk about but the prostitute of x-Governor Spitzer. Hey...Air America what about that secret meeting to remove yet more of our freedoms?