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New CTA fare cards able to track students

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flashl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-12-08 09:13 AM
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New CTA fare cards able to track students
Chicago high school students who use a new CTA reduced-fare card could find themselves riding to and from classes with Big Brother, even if they don't have siblings.

The experimental card, embedded with a computer chip that records trip histories, is designed primarily to ease commuting for students and reduce fraud, CTA and Chicago Public Schools officials said Thursday. A pilot project will run through June and later could be expanded to all Chicago high schools.

But the new "smart" card's capability to track students' movements by rail and bus is certain to spark controversy if school officials follow through on plans to use the technology to crack down on truancy.

At a CTA board meeting on Thursday, president Ron Huberman disclosed that the card will be used to "improve the tracking of truants."

Chicago Tribune

Same tact, different day.

Always target a 'demonstration group' to implement violations of civil liberties. Before long, the procedure or policy is extended beyond the 'demonstration group' leaving the public to wonder, what happen and when did they lose their rights to privacy.
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OKthatsIT Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-19-08 03:32 PM
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1. Put the card in the microwave.
Then hand it back to the kid.
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