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How much "trust" do you have for your Government...? a little long...

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FirstLight Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-18-08 10:52 AM
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How much "trust" do you have for your Government...? a little long...
Edited on Fri Apr-18-08 10:59 AM by Journalgrrl
I have been rolling this thought around in my head for a while and I am finally at a place where I need to check in and hear some reassurances from like minded folks! That said, I suppose there will also be those who tell me I am overreacting too...

I live in poverty with my 3 kids after leaving an abusive marriage 4 years ago. I am still struggling to get past the mental challenges in seeing that I don't believe in myself very much and feel pretty helples much of the time. Add to the fact that I am constantly having to ask my folks for help with a gas bill or groceries, and rely heavily on the donations of church members for clothes for my kids, etc.

We qualified for Hud assistance because of legal matters with my ex and a need for moving to a private location. I am enrolled in a special 5 year program to create goals and get sufficient enough to maybe even buy a house at the end of 5 years...(this is like 'honor roll' and I am really lucky to be considered driven enough to do this) I guess what I want to get across is that I am a poster child for getting off the system and have done it before. I hate the dehumanizing of welfare, and I am very stubborn when it comes to really asking for help. If the people in my life that help me weren't pushy about it, I wouldn't be out there soliciting for stuff..)

Recently, I began really dealing with the medical issues that have plagued me for over 6 doc suggested applying for disability, which I did, and the following paperwork is just ridiculous...especially when they say I'd only qualify for $50 a week. My mom suggested I get food stamps...but they too want to know way more information than I am willing to give.

I have realized that I am scared of my government and don't want them to have any more lists with my name on it. I feel crepy enough having them involved with my housing...and worries about funding getting cut.

In recent months, more so than any time since 9/11 I have just felt that disturbing things are taking place, events lining up... and I will need to be more self reliant in a very different way. So poverty and all its lessons in "making things work" has its benefits. I live rurally, and would like to think that gives me some kind of cushion from whatever is coming. I don't believe that things will come to my door yet, but I am preparing for the inevitable crumble in infrastructure and loss of services that would come if the big cities were to devolve into chaos or Martial Law.
It just seems like when faced with the choice to be self reliant vs accepting the government's "help" I would rather fade into the background, thank you.
I have even declined to sign some petitions, etc lately because the information gathering could get me in trouble. If anything, I could be kicked off HUD one day for "anti-American" sentiments posted here, or sent in an email..

anyone else "watching their back" more often than not these days?
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platosrepublic Donating Member (71 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-18-08 10:22 PM
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1. I dont trust them, but im not scared.
I don't think any one should trust there government; no matter what country they live in, and especially if your president is George W. Bush. The key is to have strong government oversight, and get the word out that the federal government is undermining our constitution.
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OKthatsIT Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-19-08 03:21 PM
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2. Yeah, I can't imagine there's anyone who isn't weary...
I would say this...there are stronger, healthier people out here who are trying our best to open people's eyes. When you're on the edge like this, focus on utilizing your energy for the best results. Prioritize.

Sounds like you have enough energy to garden and take care of your children. Just knowing that you're making sure your family will survive martial law sounds reasonable. And it isn't farfetched, either.

I know many women who are struggling these days. Any time I have some money to spend on myself, I buy vitamins and food for them. I know what its like to be sick and raise children, too. My sickness came after I had a vaccine and my immune system went over the top.

You didn't cause this mess to happen in this country. There are too many 'mind controlled' masses. You simply can't reach them unless they feel the pain, too. So, I'm afriad we'll have to wait until it hurts many more.

I read somewhere that our economy has been in a recession since the 70's and we have been kept in the dark, systematically. The Federal Debt seems to be the evidence of it. Politicians have a way of hiding many facts from US. Then the media hides the facts, too....or they twist them. Then the 'mind controlled' masses repeat the automaton rhetoric...and you're preparing for surviving martial law.

Yep. Sound very familiar. Welcome to the 'Land of the Red Pill'.
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Cat Bad Donating Member (1 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Apr-28-08 09:12 AM
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3. Trust not thy Government that
Trust not a Government where people in positions of power take away your rights and liberties. In the name of the greater good. Beware of when members of Congress, House and Senate constantly vote against you in any way! Whether it be a simple freedom or gun control. The Federal Government does not have that right. The difference between a free country is that a free country the guns are pointed out ward not at the people. Hugo Chaves is not a good man He is pandering and making nice to cover His EVIL intent.
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bhbwl Donating Member (93 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-31-08 02:11 PM
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4. Obama will go a long way toward restoring that trust...
...the key is to make sure the repukes are shown the door and never let back in.

I feel for you and hope you're doing okay. I'd say the deeper issue, rather than worrying about the government, which will change soon, is making sure you and your children stay protected.

That IS the job of the government; to watch over and protect people from abusers, whether it be a horrible husband (oxymoron alert) to the radical right (been dropping the ball on this for decades, maybe now we have a chance).

Please stay safe and good luck with your counseling.
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