When Johnson weakened our party by angering the racists and driving them to the Republicans, he did us more than one favor. As he stood for what was right, and put common decency above political convenience, He did right and he left us with a stronger nation and a more just nation.
He also left us with a cleaner party. Have you looked at the folk that left our party in those early days? Monsters all of them. You want to see sleaze, look at a Southern Republican who was once a Democrat. We have a party, where racism is no longer STRONGLY respected behind closed doors. I cannot repeat the jokes told in the south, even in liberal circles, after folks looked around to see who was listening. I cannot even say what the were called. I can gladly say, that I have not heard one in years.
Now as it is clear that the Republicans are without decency, and none of the Republicans have stood against that lack of basic human decency, it is becoming obvious even to the blind that the Republican agenda has nothing to do with decent administration or planning. Now, as the Republican failures become obvious, I am starting to see folk filtering back into the Democratic party. These folk are driven from the failure, excess and lack of faithful duty that the Republican's have blatantly shown.
A lot of the folk that come back, will be bringing there luggage with them. The little titters at racial slurs and the sexist assumptions will be carried back with them.
We are the Democratic Party, we will be openly inviting people back in, as we should be. Still, I think it is not at all wrong for us to try and keep our standards and ask that some baggage be left outside the tent.
Being inclusive, means leaving the exclusive items behind. I am not about to start tolerating intolerance,under the guise of being tolerant. I for one turn sharply and speak sharply when I hear the racial agendas waking up. When someone sidles up to me, gives me that 'between us white men' nod and starts in, I ask, "Would you mother be saddened by hearing you spout racist nonsense, or is she racist too?"
The Republicans eat up and use the whole 'happy to be racist' thing. When you hear someone that supports first strike, torture, indeterminate detention without trial, and Civilian Militias, talking about 'Islamofascism,' it should be clear who is racist, and uses racism as a tool to support fascism. Islam, is pretty much not about fascism. It just isn't.
Let's let the Republican keep their racism. It really only helps fascists anyway.