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Michael Boren Williams

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Pyewacket Donating Member (24 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-01-08 10:55 PM
Original message
Michael Boren Williams
I have waited a while to get enough posts so I could start a thread. I found your excellent website while researching Michael Williams and was alarmed to see that someone had posted a message on this discussion board asking people to support him financially and otherwise. I am not too sure of your defamation laws in the U.S. so I will be careful what I say, but I'm sure it is OK to point out that as Michael Harold Williams (his real name) he was convicted in the 1980s in the U.S. of using the postal service to commit fraud, and in 2004 in Switzerland he was convicted of similar offences (more than one)including forgery of documents. Mr Williams uses email to convince people he is living in terrible poverty and having to eat 'bird bread and berries' in Switzerland, where he allegedly 'fled' after being persecuted for 'telling the truth' about George Bush senior. The fact is that Mr Williams is an invalid pensioner being supported by his wife's income and living in a very comfortable apartment, the rent of which is subsidised by the government. Switzerland has high standards of living and takes good care of the disadvantaged. He is not the 'fifth Beatle' as he claims, and as a musician myself, I would like to point out that his compositions are not of similar quality to John Lennons (he claims to have written most of the Beatles' songs). As well, he has never been defrauded by Mr Risi or Mr Mumenthaler. These two gentlemen are beyond reproach and are good citizens. Please do not be taken in by MBW's stories and do not send him money or gifts. It is fine to contact me for more information, if you wish, via the contact form on this forum.
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dweller Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-01-08 11:10 PM
Response to Original message
1. interesting screen name you have chosen
what made you decide on it?

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Pyewacket Donating Member (24 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-02-08 03:50 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Michael Boren Williams
Well, it took me a while to get enough posts so I could start a new thread, and I forgot about it for a while. But it worries me that so many people have been deceived by him. Then a former friend of his, Dr Conrad Freeman of Atlanta, who was also a friend of mine, died, and I felt upset that he had given Michael thousands of dollars in gifts before he realized the truth. So I thought, I have to correct this person who posted something on this forum about supporting Mr Williams as an alleged victim of civil rights abuses, when it isn't true.
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shannonstill108 Donating Member (1 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-25-09 10:52 PM
Response to Reply #2
4. random!
Hi, there. This is going to sound crazy but i've been looking for information on the internet about my biological father, michael harold boren, now michael boren williams. (I havent seen him in 18 years or spoken in 10) I noticed that you posted your thread back in June of 08 so i'm not sure if youll even read or reply to this. My name is Shannon by the way and any information would be sufficient. How do you know him? When is the last time you talked to him? my email addresses are and

thank you
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riding.herd Donating Member (1 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Oct-09-09 10:27 PM
Response to Reply #2
5. Micheal Boren Williams
Sir, you do good work getting the word out about Michael Boren Williams, aka Michael Harold Williams (and many, many more aliases). He is a con man through and through and even his own daughter -- daughter #2, Shannon -- (see post above) has been trying to contact him, but alas, he has forsaken her as well as daughter #1, Erin. Foraging for berries? In Switzerland? The nerve of this guy's lies...
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Pyewacket Donating Member (24 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-03-08 05:55 AM
Response to Reply #1
3. Pyewacket the Cat
It's the name of my cat!!
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FSogol Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Oct-24-11 08:04 AM
Response to Reply #3
9. From the Jimmy Steward/Kim Novack classic, "Bell, Book, & Candle?"
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elea_z Donating Member (1 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Oct-16-09 04:31 PM
Response to Original message
6. Sex Offender
Michael Boren Williams
Michael Harold Pigecella
Michael Harold Williams

Pigecella (Michael B Williams) is a convicted child molester and registerd sex offender in the State of California. Could this be why he fled to Switzerland? I will not go on and on about what a con man he is...but he is a good one.
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Pyewacket Donating Member (24 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Oct-19-09 10:21 PM
Response to Reply #6
7. Michael Boren Williams, Michael Harold Pigecella
Thank you so much for that information. I'm sure readers who've been conned by him will be pleased to know the truth. A visitor to William's home once told me that his little girl who was then about seven, seemed terrified of him. At one point she seemed to be attempting to convey something to the visitor as she stood behind Williams where he couldn't see her and pretended to be a tiger attacking him. Another person also contacted me and expressed concerns about this little girl, who I guess would be a teenager now. Williams himself would speak disparagingly of the girl, saying she spoke German with a Swiss accent "like a pig-farmer's daughter". He said that to me once and I was absolutely disgusted that he would speak of his daughter like that. Surely someone should give this important information to Swiss police? Possibly they don't share information with American authorities.

Williams told me that he was teaching guitar to students including children. What a worry.
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Pyewacket Donating Member (24 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Oct-24-11 07:08 AM
Response to Reply #6
8. Michael Boren Williams has died
MBW has died in Switzerland. Apparently he left his wife and went to live with another woman in a nearby town, where he suffered a stroke and died, in 2009. I see that someone wrote on my other post, "Where is your link?" and "Unsubstantiated posts aren't welcome on this forum" and also "Never heard of him." A quick Google search will bring up many websites. He was a well known fraudster, having been jailed in the U.S. for postal fraud in the 1970s. I received the information that he is dead from the court in Bern where he was facing charges and I was to be a witness. I don't know what you mean by a 'link' but those who suffered financial losses due to his fraud will be relieved to hear this.
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